I’m sure he needs to wee more frequently than this little brother. I’m going to measure his wee but I’m not sure how much he should be able to hold at his age. Does anyone know??
How much wee should my 10 year olds bladder hold? - ERIC
How much wee should my 10 year olds bladder hold?

I'm not sure if it's different for boys but the amount I was told to aim for when bladder training my gd was half a pint, or about 300ml.
At first I tryed weighing her drynites to get a rough idea of how much she was passing compared to what she drank.
The next stage I had to make it up as I went along, I didn't want Sophie to have any choice but to pee on the toilet, so measuring bottles or a comode pan where off the table, in the end I used white bin liners in the loo, carefully lifting them out and pouring her wee into a pyrex jug.
This worked well and helped me find out she must of been peeing her pullups every 10 minutes or so, she was only passing around 1 or 2 table spoons at a time.
We did the bin liners each Sunday for a year, just to keep track of her bladder capacity, and stool consistently.
The formula that ERIC advise using is (age+1) x 30
300ml sounds right (as below). Our son usually passes 60 to 90ml. Tips from continence team to help volume passed include; sitting when going to loo, using a stool to elevate legs when going for poo (helps evacuate better hence less pressure on bladder) and whistle or blow when you wee. We were also advised to support him to double/triple void - sit wee, sit 2 mins and try again.
None of the meds we have tried have altered his void volumes much.
Good to keep a diary to show docs if you have some appointments in future. I'm sure you know all this but plenty of fibre/ some movicol may be advised by medics, and plenty of water drunk through day to avoid bladder infections and flush everything through the bladder - we aim for 1.5 litres between 7am and 6pm.
What does he have to drink? I know fizzy drinks, and sweet drinks like orange juice can make you pee more
The general guideline is half their age plus 6 ounces. About 11 ounces