Hi, my son is 6 and only poos every 2-3 weeks after a few doses of either movicol or ducolax, longest he has held it in for is 6 weeks. Drs just say it idiopathic constipation from being a baby which has developed into withholding. I'm having to send him to school in pull ups to catch any liquid poo. Feel like we've hit a brick wall, he screams no to go on the toilet, I know that its causing his insides to create pockets to hold the poo but wonder if they will eventually reduce back to normal once we get through this and he goes more often. Any advice you guys have would be most appreciated, we have tried treats if he does a poo, we done being hard, brought a digery doo for him to blow whilst on the toilet, playing games the phone whilst on the toilet, just don't know what else there is.
Thanks in advance x