Need some advice. We are on day 9 of disimpaction and second day of 12 sachets of movicol but think my son is still only at stage 6 on the bristol stool chart. It is liquid but is quite thick. Does it need to be completely watery to be stage 7? Do I keep going at 12 sachets? He is still really uncomfortable with pain and cramps. He is also taking 5ml of senna.
Still at stage 6: Need some advice. We are on day 9 of... - ERIC
Still at stage 6

Hi yes it according to doctor it needs to be brown water, I tried this method twice with my daughter, my advise would be to up the senna, movicol works ok for some but not all and getting them to drink 12 sachets can also be tough. My daughter eventually had a medical disempactstion under general anaesthetic to remove a large lump off poo that had stretched her bowl so none of the above treatments were successful long term. Since having that and her bowl springing back to normal we’ve never looked back. A lot of doctors follow the “text book” cures that in some cases are useless. 4 years of suffering and stress cured instantly with the right doctor... good luck
Can I please ask how they found the large lump of poo? Was it by x-ray?
Simply by feeking her lower stomach pressing her bowl area) although it had been done several times before the others thought the movicol would move it this doctor knew it couldn’t. She was literally in the next morning getting it emptied
Hi, I read somewhere on the ERIC website that it needs to be literally water with bits of poo in it. I’ll try and find the link again. It is contrary to what the leaflets and doctors say, but in our case I wish I had persevered for longer as I don’t think the blockage has ever properly cleared.
Thank you. Think we are almost there. It was mostly water today but still some sloppy. Will up the senna tonight. He has an ultra sound next week so hopefully we will be able to see if it has worked. It is so tough. He has terrible cramps and it feels like this process is never ending. The leaflet from the hospital says to drop down to 2 once disimpaction has occurred but that Eric leaflet says 4 and I've also read to just drop it by 2 a day so not sure what to do?
Hi ya. When I have done discompaction programmes I dropped it down by two sachets a time.
We got to the watery with bits stage last night and today. So have dropped it down. Once he was unblocked I expected his stomach pain to improve but he is still in a lot of discomfort and said he feels no better. Should he be feeling better or is this normal after disimpaction because of all the movicol and senna and trauma his bowel has been through?
Try and just give him fluids for his food intake .if he getting stomach cramps sounds to me he has disimpacted. Reduced it also paracetamol helps with his tummy.bless him not nice for them all.