Hello I’m new here.
I’m liking for advice and support. My 5 year old daughter was referred to continence for daytime wetting. She wouldn’t fully soil but would have damp pants from dribbling, wouldn’t drink enough. Through this we found that she was constipated.. which is where my worries start. The nurse thought she would benefit from lactulose as she would go 4 days without a poo then have lots (different types on the Bristol chart from 2-7) It didn’t help so we have Movicol x4 everyday. It worked and her stool was loose after 3/4 days of taking 4 Movicol. When this was the case I was told to drop to 1 Movicol for “maintenance’. So far it remains to be seen if its working. My issues is she has started to have more wee accidents since taking the movicol.. I mean full wetting. Can hold it in it comes on in a rush and ends up all over her :(. She should drink 1400 ml a day which we struggle as she is stubborn. She is trying to hard but I don’t want her to start improving her drinking then start wetting a lot and go back to not drinking incase has wees herself or can’t hold it.
So basically (sorry to ramble) my questions are can movicol efffect the bladder and increase wetting? Do I need to go back to doctor/nurse and explain what happened or do I just keep going with th movicol? Just so worried she will get a Complex and reduce her drinking again and also she might get sore