Hi my daughter is 10 next month and i have had over 6years battle with soiling herself she has been on laxatives now for 6 years and just doesnt get any better i have now changed my drs and awaiting on her new dr to see her . She will go 3 4 maybe even 5x a day in her knickers even throughout the night i have spoken with some one fron her school today she pointed me in this direction i was just wondering what regime is the laxative and stimulant like when do i give laxative and how long after do i do stimulant and how many times a day i will not be starting it just yet im gonna hold off for the 6 week hols so we can fully concentrate on it at home with no school
Help please: Hi my daughter is 10 next month and i have... - ERIC
Help please

Have you disimpacted her before?
I dont think so shes been on lactoluse for the past year and befor that she was on movicol befor that she was on cosmocol x
Sounds like you need to.
Have a read and watch of these
ERIC are a bowel and bladder charity, great website and fab helpline/email
There is also bladder and bowel UK they are similar to ERIC. bbuk.org.uk
NHS poo nurses taking about movicol and how to use
Great article
Different video about constipation
I have had a little read into eric but really confused i know her issues that her bowel is stretched so she no longer feels or have the sensation x
That's because she is impacted. You need to disimpact her.
Is lactoluse any good at doing that or shall i request movicol again ? X
No lactulose is rubbish, you want something like movicol to properly do it. When you get it work up the doses until you get to the maximum dose for their age and stay there until you reach watery stools with no lumps consistently for a few days before you start reducing the doses down extremely slowly ie one dose every few days until you reach a suitable maintenance dose to remain on. After two weeks of disimpacting you cam add a stimulant to the regime to help things along if required. Ensure that you mix the sachets with the correct amount of water and then you can add to anything else afterwards. Ensure that they drink plenty of fluids on top of the movicol as this does not count towards the daily allowance of fluids.
Wicked thankyou i will call up tommorrow and request movicol back she hates the stuff i even tried mixing it is it best she does the drink in one go my old dr was rubbish at explaining anything x
You don't need to give it in one go. You add it to fluids throughout the day once correctly made up. Keeping it refrigerated helps and add it to vimto, much more palatable.
Also do a toilet routine before after meals before breakfast and last thing before bed, get in the routine of this every day in the holidays. Plenty of fluids and fibre, if your not going away in the holidays. Every 45minuites alexa alarm will help. 5-10 minuites at a time will help to start with. A book or fidget toy helped as well. Distraction helps.
Either way will work, what's important is that you mix it up with the correct amount of water first.
Thankyou for your help i will get on this xx
Predictable comment - are you familiar with bedwettingandaccidents and the method they recommend for disimpacting/bowel-retraining? Because I can well believe it's more effective than the program you're on.
Poor you! We’re in our 4th year and phoning ERIC is so much help. I would recommend a call to give you some support with this. the 6 week hole I day is definitely time to start, but remember she may need disimpacting again just before school starts. The key for us is a strict regime - so once disimpacted (properly - it takes a lot to get through the full 5-10 days so focus on it!) then every morning after breakfast we do 15 mins on the loo before school with the iPad. We do this without fail every morning. I also add liquid senna - 5-10mls on a Friday night to make sure there is a big weekend movement to set us up for the week ahead. Best of luck!
As your child is 10 watch the poo nurse video recommended with her. Children are much more compliant with taking the macrogol when they understand how it will help them thepoonurses.uk