My little one is supposed to be in disimpaction but she won't drink the movacol even with juice- she used to but is becoming very aware of our constant need for her to drink... she also flatly refuses the pico sulphate so we are really in a state that if it goes on much longer we'll b back in hospital. She with holds anyway & with no meds she'll with hold even more, any1 got other ideas to get movacol & pico down her? Desperate! Specialists aren't too helpful!
Ways to get movacol into child, desperate for ideas. - ERIC
Ways to get movacol into child, desperate for ideas.

Hi ya. You probably now this but I found out I was not mixing the movicol probably. Put movicol in first add water and use the minimal amount of water. It was weird, once I mixed it right my son would have it with orange squash. But previously he would only take it with blackcurrant and apple squash. My son would not take it with juice. We tried milk. Have you tried an alternative flavour of the movicol?
I don't really know how you get them to take the sodium picolate. My son hated it. We just said he needs to take it other wise he may have to have another stay in hospital and it is what we have to do to try and make him better. As he didn't want to stay in hospital he did take it for us. Good luck x
We ended up going with good old bribery.... Chocolate every time she finished her drink. We also use fruit shoot bottles - 8 filled with water per day, (recommended by continence team) as they seem more manageable. I ditto mixing with the minimum amount of water though. We found our daughter seemed to massively improve after a couple of weeks
We mix it with FIZZY water and squash! And it goes down a treat!!!!!
Make sure you mix it with a little first just to dissolve it and then top up with more fizzy water! Yum! Lol
We mix ours with water & then add milk as this is the only way our Bumble will take it. x
Chocolate milk here! Has it just before bed so teeth get a good brush straight after! Good luck x