First time posting. My son is nearly 6 been having toilet problems for ages. Seen numerous doctors. He is on movicol daily. Wears pull ups for school, school are so helpful. Lately after last visit to doctors think things are worse. I have used nearly 2 full packs of pull ups in about 5 days. (7 ON Sunday). As as soon as I mention sitting on the toilet he goes crazy. Feel like crying most of the time.
Need help or just kind words: First time posting. My... - ERIC
Need help or just kind words

Firstly, you are not alone in this struggle, and it is most certainly a struggle. My 5 year old daughter is on movicol and still soils herself, this has improved but it does take time. Patience and not showing your frustrations to your son will be your tools until he gets to grips with the toileting, I know it’s not much help but you are an amazing Mum and you and your boy will get through this xxx
It helps knowing that we are not the only ones. He won't let my husband (his dad) change so it's only me that does it think that what makes it worse. Xxx
Hang in there, it will get better. We’ve done all the rewards and incentives you could imagine, we tried the shouting, the begging, the threats, ignoring it and it didn’t help, we’ve just let her take control and go one day at a time. Is your son still in pull ups at bed time? Also, we got a family toilet, it has the child seat included in the main seat and it did make a difference for our little girl, she was more comfortable to sit on and use it xx
feel for u its so hard my son is 10 and has issues since he was 3 someone on here will have better advice for you as its all a bit confusing for me still sending love to u both xx
Have you been referred to see a paediatrician? I had to battle for my son to be referred but eventually saw a brilliant GP who saw we needed help. Saw a consultant, then a specialist nurse who changed our lives. All he needed was a disimpaction. Took a week to clear him out and we have not looked back. Now on 1 laxido sachet a day and pooing everyday. Hope you get the help x
He is under a peadiatrion he has had disimpactiom but for some reason he won't go sit on the toilet. He will sit on there to wee. It's just small amounts he doing but so many times a day.
It will come with time. Try rewarding for sitting on the toilet instead of pooing. The reward that worked for us was a couple of Smarties each time. We bought a ladder for the toilet which helps. We used to allow our son the tablet only when he sat on the toilet. The key is not to show how frustrated you are. This is extremely difficult. Good luck.
Just an idea why not take him with you so he can see when you go nothing awful happens.
My daughter is a lot younger and we’re doing potty training she loves stickers so we give her one every time she does it
I know it’s hard my son has had to wear dry nites for the last 3 Months because of his ongoing constipation his 9 I do also think as my sons got he gets more embrassed and takes more note of these things