Sorry for the essay, but I know it can sometimes help to read about other people's experiences, so here's our story so far...
I have a 5 year old daughter who has never been potty trained. We have been having multiple wee accidents every single day since she came out of nappies 2 years ago. She started school in September and stared soiling herself soon after that too. After being fobbed off countless times by drs, we were finally referred to the continence team in June last year - after a torturous 9 month wait we finally had the appointment yesterday!!
The appointment went well... They didn't mention sodding reward charts, thank god, as I was worried my husband may need to restrain me if they had! However, they have said that she is probably constipated... Which threw me somewhat as I've read on here about children being constipated and always assumed this wasn't our problem as she was pooing (often explosively and pretty loose) most days... However, it seems that the explosiveness and loose consistency is a sign of constipation (I had assumed it was just hard poos that signified this), so we are now waiting for the prescription of the magical movicol, and are all set for a disimpaction over the Easter holiday (fun fun times ahead...)
It was such a relief to have people take us seriously finally, but equally incredibly frustrating that we've had to wait so so so long to be given any advice at all (well, advice that didn't involve making a reward chart that is!!!).... There were so many emotions I ended up crying, but not as much as I had thought I might do so it wasn't too bad, plus they said that most mums they see end up crying... (If other people are also going through 3 or 4 sets of clothes a day, having 2 or 3 notes from school a week to say their child has pooed themselves in class, having their child lie to them on an hourly basis about wet/soiled pants... etc...... then I'm not surprised so many people cry!!)
Anyway, I believe the plan is to do a disimpaction, then stay on movicol for 6 months, and see if there is any improvement. Currently her bladder capacity appears to be around 40-50mls so there is clearly quite a bit of work to do....
One major positive though is that I said I was really struggling getting her to have a drink and they have suggested (homemade) ice lollies!!! How genius is that!!???!!
Anyway, onwards and... Upwards...?? Surely that is the only direction?????????????