Son 12, tummy pain...: My son has movicol and has been... - ERIC


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Son 12, tummy pain...

Mum0fBoys profile image
10 Replies

My son has movicol and has been on it for quite some time. He previously had an impacted bowel. He was bed wetting and this has improved enormously.

However, he keeps (for weeks) saying he has tummy pain. It actually seems higher just below his rib cage and right the way across. I originally thought he’d hurt a muscle playing rugby. Last night I found out that he hadn’t eaten all day at school because he felt queasy.

He doesn’t want to eat in the morning because he says he feels sick.

I have tried and failed to have him referred to a specialist and we have been on the ‘school referral’ list for months.

Does anyone else have any experience of this kind of issue. Not sure where to start?

Food intolerance?

Emotional, not medical? (Is at a new school who have been much kinder)


Any suggestions gratefully received.

Don’t know what to do...

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Mum0fBoys profile image
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10 Replies
Lmd12 profile image

Bless him go back to your doctors and ask again to be referred local go do not have the knowledge of specialist and because of his age it's not fair.could he be impacted again?it may help to have a disempaction.if you tell them it is affecting his quality of life and education they will have to refer .

fedupmum profile image


my son is 13 and suffers tummy pains with movicol he takes between 4 and 6 sachets a day well this has made his day time better with no leaks at school or while out he still has issues at night , seems the more he takes the more likely pain is and it makes him feel sick , he will tell me I'm hungry but I'm scared to eat cause I feel so sick , he has suffered since around 7 years old and we have tried many things .

We have a check up again next week so I'm hoping they will investigate further, seems like movicol is the only answer to everything , gets so frustrating.

He takes a paracetomal if its to bad and that seems to ease it.

keep going back to doctor eventually they will refer him involve the school too so they can support it with education etc my son spends some days in the medical area so he does not miss studies , they can also help with getting support and pushing doctors

Ive tried different diets stopping diary , changing bread , taking vitamins , none seem to make a difference .

I hope you get some support eventually it really does seem like a battlefield reading here in the forums has helped me a lot , good luck x

Robinia profile image

Hi, my son has pain just below his ribs on the left side. This has been going on since he was impacted and put on high dose picosulphate and movicol. He’s been diagnosed with gastritis but his symptoms also fit splenic flexure syndrome (from looking at google!) which is a form of IBS.

On this basis, I have put him on a low fodmap diet and pro and prebiotics and am now starting him on some new very expensive supplements.

I’ve gone down the nutritional/diet route as we weren’t really getting anywhere with endless hospital visits. The diet is definitely helping. The movicol upsets my sons stomach but he has to have it as his bowel isn’t working properly yet

My son is now going to write to your son below...(he’s 9)

I have a school nurse school which helps with me with my feelings.

I’ve also stayed at hospital for quite a long time and been going there most days.

And I’m on a lot of medication .

That’s as much as he had to offer!

Although I can promise you, he is improving, it’s just an extremely long process. He’s on omeprazole for the gastritis which does help although he’s nauseous and refluxes regularly, it’s better than he was.

Please send me a private msg if you want to know more about the diet and the supplements we are trying, I paid to see a private nutritionist and am happy to share info

Eisenhower77 profile image

Hi, My son has had abdominal pain for some time. All doctors attribute it to constipation, which X-rays show to be *mild*. Despite being on 25 grams of Restoralax (PEG 3350) daily for several months he continues to experience this pain. He has similar experiences of nausea and lack of appetite, which doctors tell us is a result of his system being backed up (full). Seems worse when he is sick - docs say tummy shuts down when sick and we back up more easily.

The only symptom relief he had was after diagnosis with a parasite (Dientamoeba fragilis) and subsequent treatment with Flagyl (metronidazole). No back or tummy pain, no constipation, happy, relaxed, sleeping well, focusing. That lasted about 2 weeks before returning back to normal (which is pain, constipation, and related symptoms) at 4 weeks. Doc tells us his experience is that constipated kids get all kinds of parasites since the body cannot get rid of them so the intestinal flora gets unbalanced.

We are still dealing with my sons constipation. It is a LONG term treatment - like years. Not sure what to do in the meantime to improve the symptoms of physically and mentally.

Mum0fBoys profile image

The Dr seems totally unwilling to refer him. Do I just keep taking him to the doctor until they refer me to get rid of me?

Has anyone got a technique?

I have a letter for a private referral but money is a bit of an issue at the moment and also a friend said they will only look at one aspect and if they don’t find anything we will be back to square one. Has anyone else found this to be the case?

Nanoiu profile image

I have started reading 'The Ins and Outs of Poop' because my son is constipated and soiling and I came across this:

'Signs of Rectal Stretching

Abdominal Protusion

A common telltale sign of prolonged rectal distension is lower abdominal protusion in the area just below the child's belly button where the lateral part of the colon is located.'

The book also talks about tummy aches and nausea, decreased appetite in connection with having an enlarged rectum (due to constipation).

Mum0fBoys profile image

Thank-you for everyone who replied. Another GP appointment on Monday.

Thank-you Nanoiu, I have just looked this book up on Amazon. Will buy and read.

Anything I can learn would be a step forward...

Nanoiu profile image

Hi, just realised you said the protusion is under the rib cage and so above the belly button. That is the transverse colon, I believe. May be constipation or may be a hernia?!

Westy83 profile image

I’m really sorry I don’t have an answer, I will however just say that seeing the age of your son made me cry! I have a 12 year old son who withholds for up to 5 weeks at a time and due to his age we just don’t seem to be getting anywhere x

AndrewT profile image

Dear Mum0fBoys,

I have a Strange 'Feeling' here...Sorry but please DO get him checked, no really. PLEASE do this, sorry to 'Harp On' but I Can't Shake this Feeling.


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