Help - my 8 year old son is very slowly growing out of soiling himself, but still does, mostly when reading at night before going to bed, but is fine the rest of the time. I can't tell if he is constipated or not, or just really can't be bothered. We did see a doctor when he was 6 and he was on movicol for a year. It didn't seem to make a difference, and frankly he improved when taken off the movicol. I've lost the hope that any professional can help us. I just don't know if he does have a physical problem or if he just doesn't care. Does anyone have a similar experience? Any tips/ideas?
8 year old son constipated or not? : Help - my 8 year... - ERIC
8 year old son constipated or not?

Hi I am new to this site, and my 6 yr old daughter is currently on Movicol, and I feel the same way as you - completely unsure if its emotional or physical. I don't think she is constipated. I introduced tena pads as she was sore and wet all day at school. Of course now I think she just relies on this instead so I've made a rod for my on back, and I talked with her about coming off them in half term but she insisted she didn't want to. I guess I am just hoping she will grow out of it, but now she just wets past the pads and needs two to three changes of clothes a day its exhausting trying to be patient with this!
I meant to mention that this is just urine, is it not the case with your son?
It sounds like he may be with holding if still soiling.i was like you,could not get the dose right with son then began to hide taking it,we changed to lactulose.our consultant then suggested sodium picosulphate to have after tea.this stimulates the bowel and should work in half an hour to help child have bowels open .out soiling is minimal we just have issues with wetting to sort now
Thanks guys. No wee issues - just poop. Went to doctor today. She thinks it may not be physical but psychological - a behaviour choice? Has asked us to make another appointment and may refer to psychologist. Has anyone had that experience?
My consultant says a child does not want to soil and does not choose to sit in it but when the bowel is stretched the signal from the rectum to the brain does not connect.yes some of it is a coping mechanism to because they psychological lu block it's happening as a coping mechanism.they still need the medication help .yes being referred to a psychologist is good but it is still a medical issue especially at this age.i think that is the next route for my son.its becoming clearer he is anxious about daily things but those who don't know him will not notice.he does these little twitches and this is when he is stopping himself going to the toilet.its school related much better when at home.
Thanks guys. No wee issues - just poop. Went to doctor today. She thinks it may not be physical but psychological - a behaviour choice? Has asked us to make another appointment and may refer to psychologist. Has anyone had that experience?
Dear Mrs-Cala,
I could be wrong here but could, your son, not just be more Comfortable, Pooing in a nappy, whilst relaxing in bed? I know that, one of my friends, children- a girl- just plain 'Liked Pooing In Bed'. This child was a, very similar, age to your son. Could you not simply put him to bed, say an hour earlier, DO explain to him why, and just let him 'Go'. Once in the routine, this might work quite well. Incidentally, with a nappy on, he can also void his bladder, which will help with any pain. (You, never know, but he might even ask for his Nappy- well it's a thought.)
Good luck, with it all.