New to to this site. So good to see we are not alone in this... My 8 year old has an overactive bladder and suffers from nighttime bed wetting and the occasional accident during the day. He's on Desmo and Neditol. We are also 5 weeks into a 12 week TENS programme (parasacral neuromodulation). I was wondering if anyone has done the TENS thing and if insomnia was a side effect? He's going to bed at the same time as usual, and it's sometimes nearly 2 hours before he falls asleep. He just lies there in the dark and he used to fall asleep within a few minutes. Needless to say, he's shattered and grumpy.. Anyone else experienced this? Thanks in advance.
TENS and insomnia?: New to to this site. So good to see... - ERIC
TENS and insomnia?

We did TENs with my daughter but have to say didn't have that problem. What time are you doing it? We tended to do it straight after tea so that she still had a hour or so afterwards to then run around after the "struggle" of having to sit still for an hour!
Thank you for replying! Yep we do it at around 5pm and he doesn't go to sleep until 8pm (or lights out anyway at that time)... ! The struggle is real!!!
Sure you've already thought of this but has he been on the drugs for longer, or could it be the drugs rather than the TENs that's causing the sleep issues? Or if the TENs is the only thing that's new, is he unhappy about that and therefore that's playing on his mind in some way? I know mine when they were younger, just a relatively minor change in routine could sometimes knock their sleep patterns and with my eldest in particular, if she's worrying about something at school, then sleep goes out the window and it becomes a vicious circle.....the worry, stops sleep, then she worried about not being able to sleep which just made it worse and so it went on! Could take us weeks to get her back on track from something that often was quite little in the first instance.
Sorry no experience of the insomnia, but we do ours 5-6 while my son watches tv and I make the dinner. Perhaps earlier in the day might help?
Thank you. Yep that's the time we do it. But my son is very hard done by and has to do his homework whilst it's on... (!!). Then have dinner... hard fitting it all in with school as well.. Thank you for writing back.