Hi, My Son is 4 years old and has never been faceally continent. He was diagnosed at 2 years with "Toddler Diahorrea" he was pooing lots and they were soft and runny, often meaning he couldn't attend nursery because they didn't know if it was infective or not. At age 3 years after I had investigated it myself he was found to have a Dairy intolerance, we saw a Dietician once who gave us the Milk Ladder and said be on your way (Really helpful!!)
At just over 3 years I started toilet training, he was happily weeing on the toilet, but not pooing. This went on and on, I tried every trick in the book to get him too poo on the loo nothing worked. Nursery tried to help too but it made no difference - the only time he went on the toilet was if he happened to be sat on it at the time having a wee. I spoke to the Health Visitors several times but didn't really get very far.
I went to the GP loads, kept being fobbed off and told it was, and I quote "CBA - Cant Be Arsed" syndrome. I lost my temper and the GP said she would speak to Paeds at the hospital, they were of the same opinion the it was "CBA" syndrome and said send the Health Visitor. So HV turns up, I am thinking Here we go again!! But, she was fantastic!! she agreed that a child doesn't spend 12-18 months pooing themselves because of CBA. She suggested it may be a Gluten Intolerence or a Vitamin D malabsorption issue and refered back to the GP. They tried to take blood for a Gluten test but failed so referred to Paeds and suggested I put him onto a GF diet, which I did and it made a significant difference. He now has more solid poos. although not regular and sometimes he can have 2 a day sometimes 6 varying in consistency and amount.
He is still doing 90% of them in his pants, which is where I'm stuck.
Ive tried everything to encourage positive toilet use. I offer incentives, praise him loads for going on the toilet, use sticker charts, give him treats, take things away if he poos his pants (like choosing TV programme, no post dinner treat) but nothing works, he will happily poo his pants and sit in it for hours if you let him, he doesn't tell you he's pooed, if you ask him he denies it, he wont stop what he's doing to go to the toilet.
He was supposed to see the Paeds 26th Sept but they changed it, then they cancelled it and he is now due to see them 19th October (2 weeks today) I went to see the GP yesterday about and they couldn't give me any more support as they had referred to Paeds because they had done all they could, she did write a letter for school explaining this and asking they to support his needs.
I rang the school nurse for help and advise, they told me they don't deal with this kind of thing. Now hes at school he doesn't have a HV so I cant contact them, there is no support system for school aged childrens issues such as my sons.
The school were made aware of the issue in the beginning of this year, they kept saying lets see what he's like at Easter, Lets see what he's like before he breaks up for summer. No formal Care plan was put in place.
When he started school in September I spoke to both his class teachers and TA about it, they were saying they would help etc. So we are 4 weeks into school, Ive met with the teachers once who have said that the TA is "Oh hes gone again" like its such a trauma for them!! (They've done it for 4 weeks try 2 bloody years!! - Sorry just feeling a little p**sed off) We have a communication book that we write to each other in as he goes to school on a bus and I always send clean clothing, wipes and nappy sacks in for them each day.
Today I had a meeting with the Head teacher who has basically told me that my childs toileting issues are impacting on the teaching hours and that I need to start coming into change him as they cant keep doing it. I said I can only do one day a week, the reply was have you got anyone else who can do it?
I cant decide if I'm angry, frustrated, let down, emotional, upset or a s**t mother!! I've just sobbed down the phone to my husband who is now going to be speaking to the head teacher.
I'm studying for a Teaching Diploma and have to attend a work placement 2 days a week and college one day a week plus I work one day a week, it looks like I'm going to have to give all this up because they cant support my son.
Can anyone give me any advise that I can use to help move this forward, I've reached the point where I cant cope anymore and I really feel like I'm a rubbish mum who is a failure.