I apologise if I am repeating both myself from an earlier post and anyone else asking similar things. I have tried reading through for any help, but no one seems to be in quite the same situation as me.
My 4yr old son has suffered from constipation for many years, so I am fully clued up on the whole leaking poo, disimpaction etc etc.
We've also been through a variety of different medicines such as movicol, some sulphate one (to which the proper name now escapes me) and now senokot.
It was deemed that my son was just over sensitive to both the movicol and sulphate one as even the smallest dose took us completely the other way, and he would have very frequent and very very loose stools.
We moved on to the senokot around 2 months ago. I found after the first few days that although it was seeming to work in that it was giving my son the feeling that he needed to go to the toilet, he was still struggling to pass as the stool was a little hard. I found that 3ml of senokot a night, with 1/2 sachet of movicol every other day worked really well. It was like a miracle and we turned a massive corner.
Until...... for no reason at all, no change in dose or anything, we seem to be back to square one!!! My son is now back to poo'ing daily in his pants.
Why oh Why? Anyone have any idea??
Should I up the dose of either one of the medicines, or possibly reduce. Maybe is overload again and he's struggling to hold it in as its too loose?
Just so frustrated that the doses were perfect for a while, and now not.
Like many of you, he started school this week too, and has soiled every single day at school.
Any help much appreciated.