Hi I am due to visit school nurse on Wednesday to discuss my nine yr old and thirteen yr old they both soil my youngest is the worse he wears pull ups. I am dreading it I know they want to help but its not the nicest thing to be discussing, feel like I am being judged
nervous: Hi I am due to visit school nurse on Wednesday... - ERIC
I can understand you're feelings at the moment. I promise they're not judging you they just want to understand the underlying issues around the soiling. My son is 7 and still soils due to constipation, with them on board you might be able to access different organisations that can help you all and get through this and help you all to deal with the soiling problems. It's not the nicest of things to discuss but remember you're not the first and won't be the last.
Hi there. I've replied to your second post. Sorry didn't realise it was soiling you were dealing with a Amy son has overactive bladder and most recent onset of intermittent soiling
Have you explained to your GP about your situation. You can always request that stool samples are tested for both kids. Spiking apparently is usually down to constipation so get them drinking lots of water based drinks. Sometimes kids get anxious about using school toilets, as they're not always the cleanest of places so you could always discuss with school nurse and/or head teacher about your kids using a different toilet in school
Hope that helps