Anyone have any experience with LiSWT for ED? Many of the Testosterone mills (selling T shots to younger men) are now advertising ED Treatments using low Intensity shockwaves and claiming 85% improvement stats after 6 sessions. Sessions run 20 minutes and a package of 6 runs from $1800 to $2100. I have very strong nocturnal erections (what many refer to as housekeeping erections) but when I want to use goes up...and then down shortly after....not long enough to be fully functional. I have tried viagra and cialis and even injections. Injections worked well for a year...then the same thing happened (at all the different strengths of mixture of Bi Mix/Tri Mix and disease). The pills do the same....and then 3 days of intense heartburn. Not worth it.In researching, I find one creditable clinical study with no final results....but use their equipment and setting specifications in screening which facilities at least have the right equipment.
Anyone have any experience, references or insight they can offer?
Here is the link for the studies I found: