At 53, and third marriage soon, ED has been a recent problem. All pills that use to work, no longer effect me. I even had injections but those are quite expensive and sometimes painful. I'm searching for answers for help.
ED and wedding soon. Looking For Reso... - Erectile Dysfunct...
ED and wedding soon. Looking For Resources

If the problem persists look into an implant. I have one and couldn't be happier.

please tell me about your implant. my boyfriend wants to get one but we need more information so he can make an educated decision, he has not seen an urologist yet, but needs to. any ideas or help would be great! Thank you!
I have a Coloplast Titan OTR (One Touch Release) three-piece implant. There are three main types of implants, a malleable; which are just bendable rods placed in the penis, a two piece, which contains a pump and the cylinders, which are inserted into the penis, and a three-piece, which has the pump, cylinders and a reservoir. I recommend the three piece as it gives the strongest erections and is the most natural feeling. There are two main companies in the states - AMS (American Medical Systems, and Coloplast Titan. About 70% of implants are AMS and 30# are Titan. The AMS implants are less rigid in the flaccid state and slightly less rigid (but not a problem) in the erect state. The Titans have a more rigid flaccid state and a more rigid erect state. I love the Titan, as I don't mind the flaccid state (you can even have sexual activity in the flaccid state state although not strong enough for penetration).
Firstly, I would recommend checking out both the AMS and Cololpast Titan sites to get more information. Then I would watch some videos and operation and even installation of penile implants on You Tube (they get pretty graphic, but I would recommend seeing them). Then, I would meet with a urologist. There is alot of talk about "high volume" versus regular urologists when it comes to implants. I went to Uropartners in Chicago and Dr. Robert Kaplinsky, who did my radical prostatectomy as well as other urological procedures before doing the implant (prosthesis) procedure.
That much being said, I would research first, but then I would do NOTHING regarding procedures until he meets with a urologist and runs through the gamut of other options (including psychological) and rule everything out prior to going with the implant; as it is an irreversible procedure. The corpus cavernosa is eliminated; which is the vessel that fills with blood to give an erection. So it is the "final frontier." I had exhausted all of my alternatives.
I have found that my implant has given me (if you excuse the graphic details) better sex than in my entire life including my twenties. Erections are nolonger an issue as you can keep an erection for the rest of your life if you wish with no damage. You only release it when you want to. I no longer have ED! I just went from an automatic to a manual.
I hope this helps. Any more information can be gained from a urologist and the internet. There is a blog site: which has a lot of testimonials and opinions and even an Implant site. Good luck!

thanks so much for the helpful information. if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and how does your girlfriend like your implant
also, how were you out of commission after your surgery and how much pain did you have?
Again, thank you for the great information!
My 66th birthday was 5 days ago, so I'm no spring chicken! Needless to say, my girlfriend became my wife and she loves it. The penis is far stiffer than it ever was, (including my twenties), so she says that it feels much better.
I took a bit longer to recoup after surgery than most. I was out of commission for a good 6 to 8 weeks after surgery and the pain was tough for about a week where sleeping was uncomfortable and another week after that where I was pretty sore. I would say to psyche oneself for about a month with pain. But it wasn't ever unbearable with the exception of the day or two right after, but you get meds.
I know it seems like a bummer, but, trust me, it's well worth it! With all of the other approaches, I always felt that I had ED. I don't with the implant.

thanks for the info! You have been a big help!
You're very welcome!