I am a 21 year old Graphic Design postgraduate student and although I am not epileptic, I have experienced effects of epilepsy through caring for my mother who is living with the condition. My objective is to use my skills as a designer to communicate with others about epilepsy to create awareness and eliminate the stigma within our society about the condition. I am currently conducting a campaign for epilepsy called "CARE 4 EPILEPSY" and designing an app that will not only inform people but also help those affected by the condition so they can interact with each other and monitor their treatments, alert people about the procedures of managing seizure, and provide information about the types of epilepsy and how they can be treated once diagnosed. Therefore I would please love to have your support on completing this project and making it a reality, feel free to throw in some suggestions and ideas about what might be of need that can be solved through implementing the mobile app. Thank You.
Care 4 Epilepsy: Btech practical project - Epilepsy South Af...
Care 4 Epilepsy: Btech practical project

Hi sonic93, this sounds like a great initiative and thank you for giving your Mom such great, loving care. I have had epilepsy for 41 years now (since the age of 16) and run a Page also on Facebook. I am also on the Panel for Epinews, the bi-annual magazine done by Epilepsy South Africa. Feel free to message me on Facebook (facebook.com/lesmal) or send a friend request... Perhaps we can chat about this more! My email address is: lesmal@vodamail.co.za!

Thank You for your response Lesmal I will definitely contact you, right away.
Great! I look forward to hearing from you... Just give me a prior warning of the name to look out for!

My name is Sonwabo Valashiya, I just sent you an email now
Thank you! Well received and have responded. Here's to Care4Epilepsy!