where can i get that bracelets where i can put my information on
bracelets: where can i get that... - Epilepsy South Af...
Hi Rachelle, there are many types of bracelets obtainable, depending on the price you are willing to pay. I have a Medic Alert bracelet which means a membership of the Medic Alert Foundation/Organisation on a yearly basis. I'm not sure where you are based... U.K. or South Africa but there are several options available.
You can also speak to Beryl Muniz at MedicAlert SA at 086 111 2979 for more information.
Email addresses for Medic Alert SA : info@medicalert.co.za (Information) or email Ruth Goble, ruth@medicalert.co.za
You can contact ICE medical alert braclet ,google them. They have a nice range
For kiddies and adults. ICE is In Case of Emergency. Hope this helps
Hi Rachelle and Luann, hope you manage(d) to find the bracelets you were looking for!