hi I take epilim and keppra I’ve had epilepsy since I was 14 now 31. This is my first time posting But I’ve never been worried about epilepsy and always just got on with it my seizures are controlled with my medication but recently I’ve started to think about the side effects. I have tremors mild ones though and my memory is shocking I’ve never considered this and always worked and got on with life but tbh I’m sick of people pulling me up on my memory or tremors I’m tired all the time too though I brush that off putting it down to working etc but the more I think about it the more I see it’s bot the norm but having lived this way for so long it never crossed my mind as being different than anyone else it’s life and I get on with it but I just feel like sometimes saying give me a break should I be making family and friends aware of how I feel?I do remember getting sacked from a job once due to not remembering to lock a cabinet behind the counter at a jewellers but even to this day I don’t recall not locking it, nothing happened but they said it was too much of a risk to employ me. I’ve pretty much sat here thinking about epilepsy and my life
Myoclonic taking epilim and keppra - Epilepsy Action
Myoclonic taking epilim and keppra
Hi I just read your post and I am taking the same meds as you, I am well controlled but like you have had employment ended once I have a minor incident. My problem is the anxiety of the fear that something will happen. Not confident to seek employment. But I have been using the same meds as you so maybe you can get them adjusted... I take a heavy dose of Keppra and not so much epilim. Good luck
Hi, I am on clobazam (10mg), and Keppra (1000mg) per day and don't have tremors or memory loss. Everyone reacts differently though. I was concerned last year about my liver/kidneys etc. as my colleague (on different meds) gets his checked annually. So I went to be GP and asked for blood tests - turns out I am deficient in B12 (pernicious anemia) and have felt so much more alive since getting injections. I didn't really think I was so tired before as I was so used to having naps and long nightly sleeps but apparently that's not normal.
Moral of the story, it may be something else other than Keppra - speak to your GP and ask for a full blood test
And let your friends and family know how you are feeling too, they won't let up if you don't speak out.