Hello, I wondered if anyone could give me some advice.. I'm loosing myself just now through stress and other people's opinions.
My partner and I found out we were pregnant a few months ago. It wasn't planned and we were trying to be as careful as we could. I am epileptic, I was on sodium valporate at the time and quite a high dose.
When I found out and told the doctors etc, everyone was very negative towards me and immediately told me have an abortion, but it's just not in my nature to do so and would destroy me as a person. They scanned me and I was only reading just 5 weeks so they did a quick 24 day changeover to keppra. I'm now on 500mg keppra and 200mg sodium valporate am/pm. To further decrease epilim this week. I've been made to feel like such a monster since finding out, my own mother is not supportive, some health professionals have been so cruel and harsh to me and I feel like I've had no support.
I am absoloutley terrified and feel so alone. My partners amazing and tries to reassure me all the time but I can just feel myself falling into a dark hole. I had a horrific birth with my first son due to having eclampsia and almost died, and I am now terrified of this pregnancy and find myself not being able to enjoy it due to family and health professionals opinions. Some have been incredible and others have just been horrific. I don't know what to do or where to go and who to turn too. I am currently 10 weeks.
I just wondered if anyone had any advice.. I feel completely alone.