I must have been a total blonde.... - Endometriosis UK

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I must have been a total blonde....

Mandyp profile image
2 Replies

Right so at of 14 was put on pill for extremely heavy periods/pain, a couple of courses of antibiotics throughout the years for "pelvic infections" then at age of 27 these became more often (still on pill) and fell pregnant cause Antibiotics voided pill "wee miracle" once I had my son, I started getting a really sore lower back they kept blaming that fact of pregnancy/labor 1.5years later 3 different physios and 30/500 kapok 4-6 a day they all said wasn't mechanical and my gp eventually referred my to gyn (still on pill) straight away booked in for lap, once I woke up they said very bad endro they lazered some but I'd need to get an inject a and tablets to take for 6-9 months and hopefully that would sort out my back I just agreed as they were doc's they knew what was best. I got the injection 1/10/12 and started the hrt, at my routine smear in nov the nurse looked down below and "said are u ok?" I explained bout the injection and that it was very nippy and tender she got gp in and she didnt really know so prescribed me replense to put up every 2 days, they asked "are u sore having sex?" But my husband works away from home so I didn't know at that point as he's away 3 months at a time anyway he came home @ Xmas and as u can expect we made love and then it sh!t really hut the fan. I got extreme cystitis I've never expericed this b4 and hope not to again I was due my top up jag 28.12.12 but cause of all the trouble down below and I was still taking as much pain relief I never went, I then had my 3months review at gym I explained I didn't want jag and why, she had a look and prescribed a steroid cream and told me to stop the replense which I did and then. Ini the last 2weeks I started getting a snotty discharge and horrible smell, I joined this group looking for some help and I have now realised that all the aches and plaids I have ever day the struggle to carry on a normal life are all down to that fcuking jag nobody every explained what the poss side effect etc were. :( I attended the gum clinic on fri not cause I wanted tested for stds, but to see a gyn as my gp really don't have a clue and don't wana get involved she explained poss bv am waiting on results. I just want me period to come back n get back on pill and hopefully ph levels down below back to what they should be. X

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2 Replies
Impatient profile image

mandy p,

I'm sorry you are having a hard time, but if you want good advice you must post on this forum using correct words for drugs etc.

30/500 kapok...what is that meant to be?

kapok is a fibre stuffing used for teddy bears !!

what is jag that you mention several times?

do you mean injection? or is that some kind of specific drug?

the question about painful sex has nothing to do with cystitis. Painful sex caused by endo comes from adhesions around the outside of the vagina which constrict it and stop it from opening like it should, so when you have sex it tears and pulls at the glue adhesions or scar tissue which has built up around the outside of the vagina. It is very painful indeed.

Cystitis is a bacterial infection in the bladder.

if you have discharge from the vagina which is smelly and discoloured then that also is a sign of an infection in the vagina, not anything to do with endo.

either the infections are from poor hygiene or from an infection passed from your partner.

The right antibiotics should clear up any bladder or vaginal bacterial infection, so if that is being tested now, you should soon know which bacteria is causing these infections.

I really cannot tell from your post what endo drugs you are on, so I cannot offer you any advice on that until you clarify the situation.

Replense? Did you mean replensMD the lubricant moisturiser? If you did, then that has nothing to do with endo, and will not solve or cure any pain you feel during sex, if it is from endo and adhesions.Only surgery and pain killers will help.

I am still wondering how you would benefit from eating teddy bear stuffing? LOL

Your comment made me giggle. It's good to smile.

Mandyp profile image
Mandyp in reply to Impatient

Thank u for taking the time to read my comment and it is good to smile, I can only apologise for my incorrect spelling.

The jag/injection I was referring to is the decapeptyl sr 11.25mg ( the one that makes your body think you are in menopause) the drug that I was given was tbolone 2.5mg. WHen I attended the dr for the cystitis the dr explained that because of the jag/injection when in menopause you are more likely to develope cystitis as the tissues down below become thinner seemingly. This leads me onto the discharge etc that I have been experiencing recently, as I received the test results yesterday afternoon I have what's known as "bv" this can be cause with over washing or ph levels being off (because i stopped using the replensMd like the gyn told me to do)nothing to do will my partner or poor hygiene, so yes I have antibiotics to treat this.

The point I was trying to make ( not very well) was that I wished I had joined this group when I was diagnosed and asked people's advise of the jag/injection, i probably wouldn't have gone ahead with it. As a result I still need to take as many if not more painkillers 30/500kapak (30 codiene 500 paracetomol) I am now on my second set of antibiotics for problems down below thanks to the jag/injection "drying

me up" my gp has told me to start using the replensMD again every two days to help with the ph levels nothing to do with having sex, they don't know if when I eventually ovulate again if the ph level will return to what they were before I got jag/injection

I wasn't really looking for any advise I was giving my experience, although any advise would be appreciated.

If I thought 30/500kapok teddy bear stuffing would help with the daily pain I'd eat it in a minute lol x

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