I had endo laser treatment 13 years ago and after being told I would be unlikey to be able to fall pregnant I have been so lucky to go on to have three children. All endo symptoms disappeared after the birth of my first child 12 years ago but have been gradually returning, I am now feel at my wits end
I started suffering from nausea over two years ago and have had all tests know to man on my tummy which have all been clear. The nausea has become so hideous over the last year and has completely taken over my life. I became very withdrawn last year, I didnt want to see anyone or do anything, everyday I was completely overwhelmed by it all. I was the lowest I have ever been. Mentally I have turned a corner since then, which is completely down to my husband being so supportive but when the nausea is really bad its so hard to not let it affect you.
I am a naturally tall and slim person my 'normal' weight is 9 and a half stone, I am now 7 and a half stone! I feel so self conscience of my weight and the doctors dont seem at all bothered about it! I feel as if I have been passed me from pillar to post and only now are they just starting to listen to me and take notice that it may be the endo that is causing all of this.
Has anyone else suffered with nausea this way? Mine seems to follow a similar cycle each month and is normally much worse before, during and just after my period and again it seems bad around the time of ovulation.
Very occasionally I can have 4,5 or maybe 6 days in a row where my appetite is completely normal, I feel hunger at the right times, I eat like a horse and can again enjoy my food. Then wham, It hits me again and I am back to square one
Thank you so much for reading, I would be so grateful for any help or advice.