I don't know how to feel about it all and I'm afraid. I really want to children eventually and planned to have them in a few years but now I'm worried that I won't have that chance, does anyone have any advise
Hi Everyone, I am 23years old and have ju... - Endometriosis UK
Hi Everyone, I am 23years old and have just found out I have a bicornuate uterus, Cysts on my Ovaries and I also have Endomestriosis.

Hi hun,
Please don't worry too much until you get to that stage. I had two children before even getting diagnosed with endo. I have a friend who has a heart shaped uterus who also has two children. I have another friend who had cysts on her ovaries and she's just about to give birth
Hope this has helped you to not worry so much, x
Thank you
I'm just worried because I have so many complications all at once.
My periods are so painful, it's too much last month I O.D I took that many pain killers so knowning what it is now really explains a lot, i have a doctors appointment on Friday so fingers crossed, I'll get something to help with the next cycle comes round
hi Bella
Am 36 years and I have bicornuate uterus, ovarian cyst and endo and no children... yet :). First thing you should not be stressed, you are young and I am sure that the doctors can give you the adequate and proper treatment for you to conceive. In my case, I only learnt about endo at the age of 31yrs so cannot do much.
I also learnt that endo can be managed prettily before the age of 30 years. So exercise, good diet, food supplement can help you to overcome the problem and i am sure you will be able to conceive
Take care
Thank you all for your advise.
I just know that one day I really want to be a mum, I'm an Aunty to 6 babies already and I love it more than anything but I really hope to have my own one day.
Though I have got in the back of my mind it may not happen, in a way I'm glad I know now rather than later about my complications as I can imagine it must be maybe harder finding out later, even though being so young it's shocking to me, I think I'd be more angry later on in life.
I just wish there was more knowledge about this at schools so girls could understand more about themselves and what to look out for, when I found out about my Heart shaped Uterus I was completely beside myself it's like everything you have learnt has been a lie they don't show you that it can grow into a different shape.
I'm so glad there are other ladies I can talk to on here, I live with my bf but don't have any family around me so when telling a man these things they don't always get it.
I had a lot of pain last night on my right side of the womb, doctors on friday...hopefully there'll give me something for my periods as the pain is Horrendous!!
Thanks Ladies x
I really agree with you MsBella I have a right-sided unicornate uterus which means that is is smaller than average and only have one tube and ovary attached - rather shocked to find this out last year. It was also very reteroverted and reteroflexed. Pear shape uterus?! Not likely in my case. Schools don't even show variations of tilts (e.g., tipped, reteroflexed). I felt so abnormal, if only schools during sex ed could show the possible variations then it wouldn't be such a shock. And the only ovary I have had a 6cm endomertioma in it I thought that I would only be able to conceive with ivf and thought that I would not carry to full term... 16 months after finding this out during my laparoscopy I am now 38 weeks with my little boy (conceived naturally) and waiting for his arrival, there is a possibility now that I may even have to be induced if go over 41 weeks and I never expected that might happen!
Not all bad news we women with abnormal shaped uterus are just a little different and might encounter few more possible risks. On the plus side I had growth scans on NHS at 28, 32 and 36 weeks so got to see my little baby more than the 'normal' category of women and he is growing fine. And a friend of mine had a really complicated pregnancy and she is 'normal' so having a different shape uterus does not necessarily mean there will be complications. I have had a very easy pregnancy and could not tell that I have half a uterus now I have a big and symmetrical bump! And all endo symptoms gone for now - just hope it won't come back too badly! xx