im in a lot of pain and my normal combination of drugs isnt working any one no if its safe to take codeien with tramadol???
Is it safe to take tramadol and codeine? - Endometriosis UK
Is it safe to take tramadol and codeine?

its probably not the safest thing to do....if your reg meds arent working let your gp know. they have given me meds that i take between my normal meds or when it gets really bad. ask them for something for the break through pain. hope you feel better...heres a link to a FB group thats amazing.
Everyone in here is so helpful...its a bril group!
yeah your prob right ive been prescribed the codeien prior to tramadol as it didnt work on its own but i havnt tried them together.Ill call the gp tomorrow see what they say im reluctant to take morphine based drugs as i still need to be able to work daily.
Hi Claire. I take codeine and tramadol together, and I know a few others that do to. But it's probably best to ask your doc. xx
Hi Claire. It's perfectly safe to take tramadol and codeine - this mix is the only thing that really helps me. It's safe because the tramadol belongs to the opioid group of drugs whereas codeine isn't xxxx
ive asked the gp he said that they were too similar drugs so prob wouldnt benefit me next step up is morphine based drugs which they are holding off trying just yet. Got mefenemic acid max dose now with tramadol and amitripyline and paracetamol so c if that combo helps. something has to eventually
Bless you. The hospital gave me bottles of morphine last week, but I'll only take that in the last resort. have you tried naproxen 500 mg and 2 codeines? I find that's another good mix. Hope your pain eases soon xxxx
yeah ive been on naproxen for three months doesnt seem to be helping ive taken codiene but i found it made me drowsy and i need to drive for work the tramadol acts slightly differently so has less drowsy effects. i feel like ive tried everything somethings gotta work eventually so keeping my fingers crossed. xx
hi there i have been prescribed both and been told i can take it is fine and is really good. hope ur ok x