hey, I’ll be 3 months post op on the 14th of Dec. They said they removed a lot of dead endo tissue, some alive Endo tissue and a cyst on my ovary.
Most of the dead endo tissue is on my left side, like my intestines and gut areas.
Idk if this is a dumb question, but when they say ‘dead endo tissue’, that’s scaring right ? So that won’t go away ? I keep having pain flare ups at the moment where the dead tissue is on my left, which is where my worst pain always was before.
I’m so tired and this pain flare up is probs due to being under some stress about life and a job interview I have this week. Does anyone else get this ? Will it calm down or is this it ? I kinda figured the surgery would help with that pain but I’m starting to think that because it’s scar tissue from old live endo, the pain will always be there ?
Thank you in advance xx