I'm 26 and I had my first diagnostic laparoscopy yesterday on the NHS at my local hospital. This is following a previous diagnosis of adenomyosis and years of pain (been about 8-9 years of Drs visits). I have pain during sex, cramps during/ prior to my period commencing which can leave me feeling faint & that over the counter painkillers do nothing for. I've had irregular bleeding, hip pain and lower back pain.
Following the laparoscopy, I was provided a discharge letter which stated I had adhesions of ascending colon to side wall which it states adhesiolysis to ascending colon was undertaken. However, it stated no evidence of endometriosis seen at laparoscopy.
I haven't been provided a follow up appointment, and unsure whether the adhesions were biopsied. I've been given no indication as to why I'd have adhesions, as I haven't had any previous surgery or injury to the area...
Feeling really mixed emotions, and struggling with the lack of explanation for my pain. I'm unsure what I do now, whether I should push for a second opinion or even how I'd go about it, or whether I should just accept the findings.