I was diagnosed with endometriosis this year, although I have been suffering from non-diagnosed endometriosis for over a decade along with PMDD. Since my diagnosis, I have been put on a waiting list to see a specialist consultant team in Edinburgh, to discuss what treatments are available to me.
After being on this list for 6 months, I am now considering getting a referral from my GP to go private as i'm concerned the waiting time will be never ending and treatments limited and controlled by budgetary restraints. As well as more damage happening, the longer I wait. Any advice?
More importantly, I am reaching out for advice on successful treatments, specifically to help my hormone imbalances; as although I have a decent pain threshold for the endometriosis pain I am more crippled with my associated hormonal imbalances. These symptoms are: constant cystic acne (no matter what diet or healthy lifestyle I have, it stubbornly wont go away), constant abdominal bloating, severe pelvic and ovary pain, back pain and sciatica like pain running down my legs. These pains rotate through my cycle.
I also have severe fatigue which leaves me bed-bound for days. Apart from the physical symptoms, I also have a hormonal induced mood-disorder (its either that or every post-menstrual phase i act like a gremlin that has been dipped in a bucket of water). Finally, and most debilitating is major hormonal depression, with suicidal thoughts during post-menstruation (ovulation phase). Again i appreciate any advice, especially on treatments to stabilise my chaotic hormones.