I’m just looking for a bit of advice regarding what to do if you believe the endo has returned.
Some background, I’ve had 2 laparoscopies and removal of endo, the first in 2021 and the second was November last year. However I feel like my pain is worsening again and it’s becoming more and more unmanageable now. I have stage 3.
I am still under the endometriosis specialist consultant at my local hospital, but only until January next year when I’ll be discharged back to general gynaecology. I’m awaiting an appointment for the Chronic Pain team, however I know my body so well and I believe the endometriosis is coming back in full force, so I guess my question is what would you do in this situation? Should I contact the consultant again? Would they put me forward for any investigations (mri etc) this soon after my excision surgery? I feel super anxious about it as (probably due to medical gaslighting) I feel like I’m being so dramatic, and will it even come back this quickly?