Hi there , does anybody have tips and tricks to help with period related back pain and insomnia…. I have been lying in bed for hours and I am so tired and I really need to sleep
Thank you
Hi there , does anybody have tips and tricks to help with period related back pain and insomnia…. I have been lying in bed for hours and I am so tired and I really need to sleep
Thank you
My friend lent me a microwaveable heated velcro back pain relief thingy.Absolutely marvellous!!
I have now ordered one from Amazon £22 but worth every penny.You can wear under/over clothing as it wraps around your body.x
Hi. I relate to pain and insomnia. The things that have helped me are not having much caffeine and not having any caffeine after morning. I also find chocolate keeps me awake, so don't eat that after early afternoon too. Have you got pain killers for the back pain? Some can make you sleepy, although I've found they can keep me awake too, but at least you're not in pain or hopefully in less pain then. I've also found that a tens machine can be really helpful. And I drink chamomile tea. I hope you get some sleep soon and that you can get some space and time to feel rested. xx
Hi there I’m sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I find magnesium supplements help with aches and pains either as a spray or cream or in tablet form. Also raw cacao just before bed with warm almond milk makes me sleepy and again I think this could be due to the magnesium within the cacao…. It must be raw cacao powder though like what you get in health shops not coco powder ie drinking chocolate. Finally I purchased a YuYu hot water bottle a year ago and have found it extremely useful for endo pain as you can wear it if that makes sense where the pain is and due to the shape of it you can place it comfortably around your body where the pains are…. Really hope these suggestions might help you. Take care
thank you for your reply’s Nurofen is my best friend and my hot water bottle !!! I will try some of these …