HRT patches: Can anyone give an idea of... - Endometriosis UK

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HRT patches

amberbrown profile image
36 Replies

Can anyone give an idea of what could be causing the following please? Taking estrogen patches - had a total hysterectomy - became even more ill with all sorts of symptoms that pointed to low estrogen. Patches are the solution, terrific, help in many ways, feel better than have for many years. But I get a yoyoing where for a few days I have a lot of energy, good sleep, good mood, perfect, and then an irritating cough, a big breathless, trouble sleeping and less energy, this goes back and forth. Its the same if I use soya tablets instead of patches. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated thank you. I am still far better off than I was before but obviously want to identify this and put a stop to it.

And please, with all due respect, no replies such as speak to your doctor.

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amberbrown profile image
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36 Replies
Lindle profile image

I would say that it's probably due to uneven absorption from the patches. Note though that combined HRT is recommended and not oestrogen only.

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Lindle

hi and thanks for response but as I said its the same if I take soya tablets instead of using the patches... so it cant be uneven patches... I was told that if you are 65 and do not have a womb - as you know I had a total hysterectomy so no womb - you dont get the other hormone anyway, dont need it without a womb - anyway uneven estrogen woldnt explain a cough or sneezing.

Lindle profile image
Lindle in reply to amberbrown

Do you have a history of endo?

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Lindle

Hi, Yes was told it was there in the womb. And have a cyst/fibroid on kidney which nobody seems to be interested in at all, maybe that is part of the endo.

Lindle profile image
Lindle in reply to amberbrown

When it is in the womb it is adenomyosis not endo. So if you didn't have endo oestrogen only HRT is appropriate. It is those with a history of endo who are recommended combined dud to association of oestrogen only with recurrence and/or malignancy

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Lindle

I really appreciate your replies. I had my hysterectomy months ago, totally removed. They told me then that they found endeometris in womb and as it had been all removed I only needed estrogen hrt. But I do have a cyst on kidney, which may be connected. Anyway I tried patches and soya pills and either way I had this experience where it would yoyo with sneezing, a blocked ear and some coughing, wheezing and fatigue.

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Lindle

Hi Lindle, I had a phone call from my doctors. They now tell me that when they removed my womb there was some endeometris left there. First I heard of it. And I must go back to gyno. This makes very little sense to me as gyno refer you to endeometris department for such things and they had already known all this months ago and signed me off.

Kellsy-bells31 profile image
Kellsy-bells31 in reply to Lindle

combined is only required if you still have an intact womb . Ladies who have had an hysterectomy only require oestrogen

Lindle profile image
Lindle in reply to Kellsy-bells31

That is incorrect for those with history of endo.

MyStar86 profile image

maybe a menopause specialist could help they would run some blood tests to see what your hormone levels are? I didn’t get on with the patches either even on the 100 patches I felt awful we all absorb oestrogen differently I now use the Lenzetto spray and have progesterone as a pill. The coughing and sneezing could just be an allergy totally unrelated you could always try an antihistamine to see if that helps. My hormones are not balanced either but I have terrible other bowel issues which means I don’t absorb all my hrt and it can be different each day there are lots of external factors that can block the hrt absorption. Some people also need a tiny bit of testosterone but I haven’t yet however I went to see a menopause specialist to get help as my gyne was useless xx

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to MyStar86

hi MyStar. Thanks for the reply. The allergy to the patches/ soya makes sense and I figure out that is causing the sneezing, blocked ear etc, it's obviously caused by the soya - NOT unrelated - as it only happens when I use patches or take soya, if I take a break from it it goes away and only returns when I take them again. As I said the results I get from the soya pills are the same as with the patches. So it isnt as simple as how it is because it is patches. The googling Ive done so far tells me that estrogen can become dominant and raise your cortisol levels, and then you can have an "allergic" reaction such as sneezing because of that. This can also then raise the estrogen levels even more. Which can then result in problems with sleeping. All started off by taking estrogen in the first place. There are loads of accounts of this all over the web. In which case we just have to learn to live with it. Of course histamine tablets can help, but some can bring on or add to dementia, others can give you a stomach ache and headache, so it is better not to take them. I've thoroughly researched all that and found that histamine tablets are not nice to take... and its not worth it just to stop sneezing.

I live in the UK. This means that my first port of call with doctors has to be the nurse at my local surgery and I must wait a few weeks to speak to her. She and only she can decide if I can then speak to a doctor or be moved on to a consultant - if she says I need a consultant - which I very much doubt - I would then have to wait about a year for an appointment to see someone twenty miles away - so obviously I need a good idea about this quicker without waiting for all that. IF i NEED BLOOD TESTS A NURSE CAN ARRANGE THAT ON THE PHONE. No need to refer me on for a year's wait and a 20 mile difficult journey. In the past with health problems I've often found the answer or solution on google much quicker than waiting to see a consultant. I am also HOUSEBOUND and struggle a great deal to get out at all! with no transport. So go and see someone twenty miles away in a year is double ridiculous then.

I am sorry youve had problems too and hope you feel better now.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to amberbrown

don’t take the progesterone Utrogestan then either as that contains soya xx

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to MyStar86

thanks for that info.

Melandava profile image

have you considered trying the gel instead incase it’s the soya causing any reaction? Not sure it would but maybe rule it out? I find my patch seems to wear off after day 2 but my symptoms are of feeling really low and crying so I’m wondering if yours could be a reaction. I also use the gel as a top up. I’m in surgical menopause since my hysterectomy 5 months ago and still trying to get my hrt right. Do you use the same brand patch everytime?

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Melandava

I live in the UK so you get the patches you get given, you have no say in what brand they are etc. Ive only been taking them for a few months so yes they are the same. Anyway if a patch works for a few days I tend to assume it continues to work for the next day or two as well. But maybe thats wrong. As far as I know the gel has soy in it too so if its the soy youll get the same problem again but with the disadvantage of fiddling around with the cream on top of the rest. Pills and patches are so much simpler.

As you know estrogen converts to serotonin. You get much the same benefits from simple serotonin as you do from estrogen. I am going to stop with the patches and soya pills for a bit and use serotonin instead and see if thats the best way to avoid these ears/sneezing etc which is obviously coming from the soya or if it still continues anyway. It might be that you can avoid this with serotonin - valerian etc. Worth a try. I m speaking to my nurse in a few weeks so trying as many alternatives and finding out as much as I can so that I know what to say to her then, when she is deciding whether to make my prescription for the patches permanent. Hope you have a good day.

Starfish123 profile image
Starfish123 in reply to amberbrown

my prescription has the brand on and has been like that since I started with estrogen. You can ask the surgery to add the brand on to your prescription as per NICE guidelines circa May 2021.

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Starfish123

yes i know, have done this with other prescriptions. but so far ive had three months of patches, the first ever, all same brand. and the sneezing, ear etc is not because of the brand. if it was it would not happen precisely the same when i take soya pills instead.

Melandava profile image

I’m well aware of the patches as I live in the uk aswell. Sound was though you already know the answer to your question so hope all works out well for you

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Melandava

Thanks for your input have a nice day. Only have any answers because of spending a lot of time on google! It seems to be the answer to every health problem. It was thanks to google that I found out I had an underactive thyroid years ago, and a stomach ulcer years later and other things doctors had missed or misdiagnosed.

Melandava profile image

unfortunately Google isn’t always correct but good luck with everything. Surgical menopause is very difficult and what works for one person doesn’t work for another. A menopause specialist is your best bet but it’s down to every individual

Melandava profile image

maybe don’t ask for advice then. I’m sure you know what works best for you. Take care

Melandava profile image

and you ignored all the replies. Appears to me you are looking for an argument which I’m not taking part in. Good luck

Melandava profile image

When you have everything removed it isn’t uncommon to go through the menopause again. I pay to see a menopause specialist as I am only young and I want to get the right treatment. I appreciate not everyone can do that. You have come here looking for an argument. In all your replies to myself and others you are defensive. I really hope you get sorted and find what works for you. I won’t be replying further

Melandava profile image

you are a massive crank and I suggest you get your hrt sorted. Bye hun

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Melandava

Maybe your symptoms are making you very cranky, bossy and nasty at the moment so I forgive you. Take care.

Melandava profile image
Melandava in reply to amberbrown

😂😂 bore off!

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Melandava

There is an excellent prayer forum, it is free, accuratepsychicreadingsonli... - until the medication i sorted out anyway - not sure why you have to attack people here or talk down to them, very sad, it could help you a lot to get a grip and get your emotions more in line

Melandava profile image
Melandava in reply to amberbrown

there’s is nothing wrong with my emotions thank you I’m lovely and settled on my hrt. I didn’t attack you. You were looking for an argument now go away you pathetic sad troll

Lindle profile image

I think it would probably be best to establish whether or not you have a history of endo (apart from adenomyosis which has now gone with the removal of your womb) as many with endo have hypersensitivities. I was severely allergic to oestradiol.

Fipp profile image

Hello all, amber... I am wondering myself if I have such allergies that amber suggests or how to discern from adenomyosis ( diagnosed) Endo ( waiting for lap 2.5 years) and now put on everol Conti patch for near 8 months with all Endo specialist gynae appointments cancelled 3 x this year!

I find it really hard to discern this sick feeling/fatigue still with random pains and a random 2 months of bleed when I have only bled lightly 3x a year apart over 3 years ( so at menopause )

So amber I am grateful for your enquiry as it has made me wonder if my dose is too high or allergic as you say to soy. I notice when I renew patch I feel sickness more/acid/ fatigue.

Best of luck all with getting the answers/care we all need.

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Fipp

Hi Fipp thanks for your kind reply, how are you feeling now? I know that estrogen is the answer for me somehow, yet I am struggling because it goes up and down. I can get a few days where my energy is good, no cough, no breathlessness, no moodiness, no brain fog, no insomnia. And then it goes back to the other. My doctor has said they are referring me to back to the gynocologist to see if I need to take the other hormone - p................ as well as estrogen due to the fact I might have endeomestris in me still despite the complete hysterectomy,and increased my dose of estrogen from 25 to 50.So far still feel urgh.

Fipp profile image
Fipp in reply to amberbrown

hello amber thank you for getting back too! Means a lot hey x on thurs I cut up my hrt patch and stuck a quarter less on. I just feel so confused re any care plan for myself tbh. I know I am on wait list for lap as confirmed this last week when I got on phone to endo consultant Secretary who then gave me a 10 min appointment to see her on the 18th of jan- so a year and 2x cancelled appointments since I met her. So far with less hrt I have stopped bleeding constantly at least but am still feeling lousey . I relate to all you say re a few days off here and there but mostly I am in a fog and struggling to get anything done. I hope today is a good day for you .

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Fipp

Hi Fipp, yes you described very much how it is fo rme. Not sure if that means allergic maybe just unsuitable. I think I am better on the soya pills - not genetically modified.

Fipp profile image
Fipp in reply to amberbrown

thank you amber. Sounds like I need to do a bit more logging and research to really understand my patterns more fully. It’s catch 22 eh - when feeling ugh all the time! Wishing you a good experience when you see the doctor next 🤗

amberbrown profile image
amberbrown in reply to Fipp

Hi Fipp. One of the things I am getting sick and tired of is this. I am officially housebound. I struggle to get out at all and need to have someone with me to do this. The only person who can do this with me is my husband and he is not available 24 7 to order.. though they would like to think he is. Years ago I was told I has asthma and sent to the hospital which is 15 miles away. To a housebound person travelling 15 miles is a big thing. When you get there they just chat to you and give you an inhaler! Then tell you to go back in six months to chat about it again. This happened over and over again. Every single one of those visits could have been avoided. It would have been so much easier and quicker for me to have a telephone consultation with my doctor's practice instead. I now insist they must be done this way. The asthma nurse phones me and talks to me and we discuss whether I need a different inhaler. All quickly and on phone with chemist delivering whatever the day after.

Now we have the same nonsense about hrt. They either forget I am housebound or ignore it. And say about me going to this hospital to speak to a consultant. When it is so much quicker and simpler to speak to nurse/doctor with telephone consultation from own surgery, and then have the patches or pills delivered from chemist. I sometimes get a nurse phoning me about a consultation going on about me going to the surgery - I remind her I am housebound - and she says yes I know, but it would save me a journey if you come here !! It beggars belief.

Anyway how is your situation coming along? Have a nice day.

Fipp profile image

oh yes and I notice cough/breathlessness come and go also!

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