Hi everyone, I’ve been suffering with really bad periods the last few years and have recently started experiencing constant pelvic pain. My gp suspected endometriosis and sent me for an trans abdominal ultrasound, which showed tissue growing outside of my womb (I’m not sure where though) and so he referred me to a gynaecologist. I have my first ever gynaecologist appointment in a few weeks time so I was wondering what sort of thing to expect (I’m not sexually active if that makes a difference). If anyone has any advice or tips I’d be most grateful. Thank you x
First gynaecologist appointment - Endometriosis UK
First gynaecologist appointment

Hi kitty,
So sorry that you have been suffering from bad periods and hope they are able to get to the bottom of it all for you ❤️.
The best advice I can give you for your first gyno appointment is write down all your symptoms and any questions you want to ask to your gyno doctor about the next stages and what they can do for you. I found that having it written down it helped so much and was able to get a lot out of it and got the answers that I needed. Also take your time asking the questions and don’t feel like you need to rush it as it can be alot to digest in and it is your time and your appointment with the doctor to get the answers you need.
Also make sure that your gp has referred you to an endometriosis specialist not a normal gynaecologist as you will need a specialist if they suspect endo.
I hope this helps and you can message me anytime too ❤️.
Wish you all the best with your appointment ❤️

Hi KittyCatRockstar
Chester28 has already given you some excellent advice about preparing for your first appointment.
I'd also like to point you towards our 'Getting Diagnosed Information Pack', which can be downloaded from endometriosis-uk.org/gettin...
This contains plenty of further information about preparing for a consultant appointment that I hope you find useful.
Take care - wishing you all the best for the first appointment x

You're welcome - hope it's helpful!