Anyone else in the diagnosis stage just f... - Endometriosis UK

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Anyone else in the diagnosis stage just feeling exhausted and mentally drained?

CaledoniaSloth91 profile image
4 Replies

I first went to a doctor about pains way back when I was either 17 or 18. They were put down to period pains and that was it. But they kept happening. I just ignored them, thinking I was just imagining it or overreacting. But in November last year they got unbearable.

Went back to the doctors - a new doctor in Scotland (I was in England before) and she sent me for an ultrasound, and gave me pain medication. It was good to feel validated. However from November to now I have been in almost constant pain. I basically live off painkillers. I hate it. I got the scan a couple of weeks ago and it was clear. My doctor said she didn’t know what else to do.

However the pain had changed ... I had sent her a message saying so while waiting for the first ultrasound. So she called me back in. Has ordered a pelvic and internal ultrasound to rule out cysts etc. She agrees it could be endo though.

But ... although I’m making progress I still feel at square one. Waiting for a letter to come through with my appointment. And considering the last one took 4 months it’ll be ages before I get another appointment.

I’m fed up of being in pain. I just want answers so I can start finding relief which isn’t popping pills. 🥺

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CaledoniaSloth91 profile image
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4 Replies
Angellouise profile image

I’m sorry you are going through this. My daughter is going through the same thing , she is now 20 and has not been diagnosed yet in four years. She is going to see an endometriosis specialist soon. I wish you luck

MelaniePhoebe profile image

Hi lovely lady,

I understand what you mean. I’ve been going to the doctors for these issues for 8+ years and I’m 26 now with still no answers and I don’t want that to make you feel like there’s no hope because your doctors seems to be doing more than mine done in years.

What I have seen through lots of ladies accounts is that ultra sounds, internal and external don’t really show up endo and it’s a poor way of diagnosing it. I’ve had so many ultra sounds with nothing found but am still in pain every day. Just because they say the ultra sound is clear that shouldn’t be the end of the road.

I am trying to push for a laparoscopy and maybe you should too, are you referred to a gynaecologist? I feel like this is the best way to see what is going on.

Pain killers don’t even touch it for me so I understand what you mean but not wanting to just eat pain killers all day when it’s such a short term release.

Keep pushing for what you need. I’ve had to leave so many voicemails, calls to the gp, calls to the gyno to be able to get to where I am. You are in pain and you deserve answers. Don’t ever think you are being “too much” this is your life and you deserve a good quality of life and to able to get treatment for this pain. You are doing amazing and remember you aren’t alone in this.

Big love always

CaledoniaSloth91 profile image
CaledoniaSloth91 in reply to MelaniePhoebe

Thank you 💓 it feels like a very lonely place in my life right now as I have no one close to help support me in person. So I feel isolated in a way. I’m just glad I’ve got this group for support. After this next ultrasound I’m going to push for a referral to gynae. I feel they’ll help me more. My GP is lovely but seems to keen to put me off a lap, which I might need! So we’ll see what happens and where it goes.

Thank you again 😊

SasF profile image

Hi CaledoniaSloth91, I’m so sorry to hear your story. Although sometimes it feels like the easy option, please don’t give up. It may take a while, but keep asking questions, pushing for answers, and hopefully you’ll receive the care and relief you deserve. I’m approaching 40, and wished I had questioned my periods much, much earlier.

I had a scan and various examinations, but it didn’t show anything. It was only when they performed a laparoscopy could my gynecologist clearly see the problem and subsequently diagnosed me with stage 4 endometriosis.

Perhaps look into alternative ways of managing pain. I too hate popping pills all the time!

Good luck, and keep us posted. Take care, Sas

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