Anterior prolapse and bowel endometriosis - Endometriosis UK

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Anterior prolapse and bowel endometriosis

Ecclesiastical profile image
10 Replies


I just wondered if anyone else has been diagnosed with an anterior prolapse. I’m really really struggling and have been for two years with constant pressure and being unable to open my bowels ‘naturally’

I just wondered if anyone else had similar symptoms or a prolapse and if anything helped?

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10 Replies
MyStar86 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear you are suffering! Have you already had a diagnostic lap to find the bowel endo? I was diagnosed with the same prolapse in 2016 however now I’ve been through two surgeries so far for my endo and that “prolapse” I was wrongly diagnosed with was actually wide spread endo in my pounch of Douglas….might be worth checking with your endo specialist if you have had the pounch of Douglas checked. Good luck xx

Ecclesiastical profile image
Ecclesiastical in reply to MyStar86

Thankyou for your reply! I’m so sorry to hear you were misdiagnosed! I hope you are feeling some what better?

I have endo on the mesentery of the sigmoid colon which was never excised by the gynaecologist in April of last year. I don’t have an endometriosis specialist and was discharged from gynae after the surgery.

I feel at a loss I think you just get so tired trying to get answers and treatment whilst trying to live what feels like a very poor quality of life. Xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Ecclesiastical

That isn’t right at all yes a normal gynaecologist couldn’t remove endo from the bowel as it requires a bowel surgeon and and endo specialist!!!! Do not accept that as the end of your journey trust me you will get help you just need to look on

There you can put in your post code and area and will find the endo centres for your area! Anyone with endo has the legal right to be seen by an accredited endo specialist.

My initial surgery was not by an endo specialist so he removed what he could but he referred me on to an endo specialist for the bowel surgery. I saw him and my bowel surgeon multiple times to discuss and went ahead… cancelled last year due to covid but just out of hospital last weekend following my bowel surgery so please don’t give up. I still need a hysterectomy so the battle continues but don’t accept your situation do some research and hopefully you can get some help. Even if you pay for an initial app with an endo specialist to get in the door then go via nhs if you don’t have Insurance please don’t give up xx massive hugs xx

Ecclesiastical profile image
Ecclesiastical in reply to MyStar86

That’s such a lovely message, honestly you don’t know how helpful it is. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time as I feel like so many people suffer so much more. Also the gynaecologist told me I had ‘mild endometriosis over the mesentery of the sigmoid colon so maybe that’s why they didn’t refer me on to a specialist they also carried out ablation and not excision during the laparoscopy but I’ve since read that excision is the better option.

Its interesting to know you have a legal right to be seen by an accredited specialist, I had no idea!

I’m just so broken after two years. I live to work right now because anything else is just exhausting and my second home is the bathroom with the constant sensation ‘to go’ morning, noon and night!

I’m so pleased to hear you have had your surgery and send you lots of well wishes xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Ecclesiastical

Bless you I’m always here if you want to message me as I totally understand!! I’ve been going through it since 2015 so I do understand the last 2 years have been hell I had to move back to my parents as I’m in so much pain 24/7 and similar to you with the toilet side it’s not a life.

Anything on the bowel is not for a normal gynaecologist to diagnose you need to see an endo specialist to get their view plus leaving any endo behind just means it has the ability to grow and get worse mild endo can become infiltrated endo and trust me you don’t want that on the bowels. Keep fighting for help yes the bowel surgery has risks and they will all ram it home because legally they have to but for me it’s simple I have nothing to lose my life isn’t a life so any surgery is better than leaving things to get worse however that’s my story we all have to do what’s right for us. I’m just wanting the hysterectomy as it was too dangerous to combine with my bowel surgery however I know that’s what is the main cause of all my pain so I just want to recover fast so I can get to that point.

Any questions to send me a message as I feel like I’ve suffered alone for many years and I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I have so please don’t give up You just need to get to the right people 🥰.

Take care xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Ecclesiastical

Also might be worth finding a member on here called Lindle they advised me with lots of things and provided me with all the paperwork I needed going into a meeting with my endo specialist and seem to know everything not sure if they work for the endo society but very helpful anyway xx

Ecclesiastical profile image
Ecclesiastical in reply to MyStar86

I’m so sorry you’ve been through such an awful time for so long! I can’t imagine how that must feel having to make that decision to move back to your parents. So much is taken from you it feels like a constant grieving process for a life you won’t have. I’m currently in limbo over choices such as career and children. I feel like even saying yes to going out for a walk or a coffee is a difficult decision due to how unpredictable symptoms can be.

I worked really hard to get into the job I’m currently in and it looks as though I’m going to have to leave it, I think you utilise all your energy and money on diets, alternative therapies, herbal meds, yoga, probiotics, tens machines.

I really hope that the surgeries offer you some relief and you do get your life back to some form of quality, you’ve suffered for such a long time and I’m so sorry you suffered alone but I’m really grateful you’ve shared your story, good and bad. It actually feels like a relief to talk to someone else who can relate to some of the same symptoms. I’ll definitely try and speak with ‘Lindle’ I did phone the endo helpline this morning who recommended going back to the GP however my last conversation with them was ‘I dont really know that much about endometriosis’ I feel like I’ll need alot of ammunition as I really had to push for them to refer me to gastro.

Hope you’re resting up and taking it easy! Xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Ecclesiastical

I will send you a direct message later as I might be broken myself however after the years of having to sort out finding all the right doctors myself I can help you a little on how to do your research and things I did to get the help I needed. I totally feel your pain it’s very sad but that’s why I want to help my situation is what it is however I hope you can get the right help sooner and then you will be able to get your life back. I will message later today once I’ve had a think about all the things that might help ie with your gp and getting to the endo specialist xx

Heartof3 profile image

Bless you, its awful isn't it 😞 I had a posterior prolapse that i had repared last year.

I am now waiting for surgery to check for endometriosis. I litrally can not even walk far without pelvic pain, it rules my life.

It's all such a battle isn't it xx

Ecclesiastical profile image

I’m so sorry, it is you’re so right. Are you managing to work? Get out of the house? I had a colonoscopy yesterday searching for answers and during that time the consultant told me they found the prolapse on the proctogram. I’ve been prodded and poked more times than I care to remember this year 😂 just need to have a good cry sometimes. It’s so lonely though, I hate that side of chronic illness. If only we had a a magic wand xx

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