Please help… I have looked 5 months pregnant since I had my son 7 yes ago. He was c secretion, at birth I had sterilisation due to a hernia, then just 12 weeks later, op to remove umbilical hernia. My ‘bloat’ is constant no matter what I change in diet, exercise or weight I am. Last year, diagnosed with endo, & ‘ bulky womb’ put on decapeptyl, now put on mini pill & norestherone to stop the flooding every other period. Last few weeks… horrendous lower back pain… no follow up or answers…. 😞
Need advice as at wits end…🙁 endometrios... - Endometriosis UK
Need advice as at wits end…🙁 endometriosis back pain

Hello.. you need to insist on getting some basic tests done especially if you are bleeding abnormally. See a different GP, or insist that you get investigations done as your symptoms are getting worse. Noresthisterone can cloak the symptom of bleeding and allow anything more serious to be hidden. I know this from experience. You should be having a CA125 test and a PV ultrasound at the very least being carried out.
Than you so much for your reply. I’ve been put on these tabs because the flooding I sometimes get actually prevent me from going to work…the mini pill desogesrel I’ve been on for just over a month but there’s days where I’m feeling so low on it, just can’t seem to shake it off. I actually went for a private yesterday with Bluecrest, funnily enough they did do the ca125, and also looked at having a stool sample and urine too. They’ve done liver & kidney so will be intro to see what it shows… the bloating has been like this for 7 years since c sec, sterilisation and hernia op. All tests since have said it’s ‘gas’… funny how I never had it before though!