I had a hysterectomy 2017 they left my o... - Endometriosis UK

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I had a hysterectomy 2017 they left my ovaries

Adhamilton profile image
17 Replies

5 months after my hysterectomy went and had to have adhesions removed upper stomach and left side of bowel and they drained a cyst from ride ovary 2021 I’m now in so much pain the last week in both sides more on my left kidneys are hurting so bad I’m struggling to eat drink I’m waiting for an urgent scan any ideas what going on ?

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Adhamilton profile image
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17 Replies
EndoSuckss profile image

Did you have Endo prior to your hysterectomy? If you did, it sounds like its your endo has returned.

I hope you feel better soon xx

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to EndoSuckss

adenomyosis Xx

EndoSuckss profile image
EndoSuckss in reply to Adhamilton

I have adeno as well - its awful! Fingers crossed they identify the cause of your pain quickly and get it resolved xx

Nikkky profile image

Hi there, sorry to hear you’re in pain. Is it sharp pain? Did you have endometriosis before having your hysterectomy? If yes, it could well be that endo has returned or was there anyway and has flared up. If not, it could be more adhesions have formed. My pain returned soon after hysterectomy (they left me with 1 ovary) and I was told it was probably adhesions and there was nothing they could do. The pelvic pain has steadily got worse and now my abdomen is very tender and painful to touch in specific areas. I hope you get some answers with your scan as it’s awful being in pain. Please will you update me on how it goes?

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

Hi nikkky thank you for replying it’s so frustrating I have no energy feel so nauseous dizzy joint pain I’m still waiting for scan it was done as urgent but I’m still waiting 5 days later it could be Endo adhesions or cysts I guess just feel rubbish hope you get sorted soon! my doctor is so good he has emailed my consultant asking for an urgent appointment?

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

As you mentioned no energy, nausea, dizziness and joint pain this could well be menopause as these are all symptoms. I know that’s not an answer to your pain but it could be 2 separate issues. Are you on HRT? I ask this because when you’ve had your uterus removed (and kept one or both ovaries) you usually go into menopause within 5 years. Nobody told me this and I’m suffering badly with menopause symptoms as it’s more severe when brought on by surgery. I had my hysterectomy in 2016 and I now realise I’ve been menopausal for a few years with vague symptoms.

Adhamilton profile image

Thank you so much! Can’t wait to have scan etc I have has a bladder infection as well as this on my 3rd lot of antibiotics but the pain is more than just infection it’s deep in pelvis left around bowel like last time but worst.

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

The left sided pain could be bowel adhesions or adhesions on your left ovary. My ovary was stuck to the pelvic wall and it did cause constant deep, stabbing and throbbing pain. Just to mention that urinary tract infections are also a symptom of menopause. Fingers crossed you get a scan a.s.a.p. Good luck

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

Hi Nikkky on way to hospital to have my scans.

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

That’s good to hear, hope all goes well

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

In so much pain they couldn’t see anything and she didn’t bother to do my internal scan she said there no point I could cry 😢

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

That’s terrible, I know how upsetting it is for you. Each time you have an appointment you build your hopes up only to have them dashed. I do feel for you when you’re in pain. Was it an ultrasound scan? You’d think while you were there they’d just do the internal scan as well. I had an ultrasound initially and it didn’t show anything. I went on to have a laparoscopy and had endometriosis, bowel adhesions, ovarian cyst, enlarged pelvic veins and enlarged bowel- so the scan or the operator was useless!! Get onto your doctor again and please don’t let them fob you off. It’s so hard to find the strength to challenge them when you’re not well but keep going with it. I wonder if a laparoscopy could be done to have a thorough look inside x

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

Yes just an ultrasound my doctor requested them to do internal as well but she didn’t she was so rude she said it’s just a tick off the list and now you move on to the next thing as ultrasound does show adhesions or Endo. I have phoned my gynaecologist secretary she is lovely and helpful and told her the scan has been done and she didn’t do the internal scan she said she will get my consultant to look at the scan etc and hopefully bring my gynaecology appointment forward to the 22nd October. I just need this to be sorted as I have been off work 2 weeks already. Thank you for listening

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

I feel for you, it’s so hard. I’ve been there with the rude health professionals too- their attitude stinks and they shouldn’t be in the job. An ultrasound doesn’t usually show endo or adhesions- a laparoscopy is the gold standard. If they won’t do a laparoscopy you could request an MRI scan in the hope that it shows something up. In the meantime you could really do with some effective pain relief so it might be worth speaking to your g.p about that. Fingers crossed you get sorted soon

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

Thank you so much i will phone Gp tomorrow again x

Adhamilton profile image
Adhamilton in reply to Nikkky

Hi nikkky my doctor has just phoned and said I had free fluid on the pouch of Douglas on the ultrasound scan ?

Nikkky profile image
Nikkky in reply to Adhamilton

I’m not sure what that means! Did the doctor explain it?

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