Hi everyone, I’m new to this group and I haven’t been diagnosed with endometriosis but I really don’t know where to turn right now, I’m at a bit of a loss. I was wondering if anyone could give me reassurance that I’m not being a dramatic hypochondriac and also how do you broach the subject of endometriosis with a gynaecologist?
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17, I had most symptoms but never suffered with period pain or anything life that’s. Recently, I had lower abdominal pain in early March and was sent to the hospital for exams. I was later diagnosed with a 7cm simple ovarian cyst on my right ovary and told to watch and wait and have a follow up scan 12 weeks later. The pain was so bad I managed to get my ultrasound earlier and had my follow up 6 weeks later when the cyst was 5cm but haemorrhagic. That’s when they decided to refer me to gynae.
Since then I have had such bad pains in both my left and right ovaries I’ve ended up in A&E, out of hours, had to take extremely strong pain killers and buy a ridiculously big pillow to lie on at night for relief. I’ve been finding it difficult to go to the toilet, like I’m straining my tummy muscles and when I wee there’s like a downwards pressure. My lower back is killing. I keep getting really weird discharge too? Its not like my usual periods, some days it’s there, others it’s not. I don’t need a tampon or sanitary towel, it’s just when I strain in the toilet or when I wipe every now and again. For example it was there Monday morning, not on Tuesday, there this morning and not there now. It’s like a bit of bright red blood in with translucent discharge. Sometimes it’s more brown but again translucent and gloopy. Sorry if this is too much info but o don’t know if anyone else is experiencing something similar?
I was told the pain in my left side was “referred pain” from my right cyst. I got my referral expedited and they wanted me to have a follow up ultrasound before my TELEPHONE CALL with the consultant. I understand covid has a role to play but I don’t see how this can be dealt with over the phone.
Anyway, my follow up scan was Monday and my right ovarian cyst is no longer there and I have a 5cm simple cyst in my left ovary now. I still have pain in both sides and again they’re claiming it’s referred pain. But surely it can’t be this bad? The sonographer seemed to think I’d have another follow up scan before my telephone call with the consultant.
I’m just so fed up of being pushed from pillar to post and being in pain. I have a cry at least once a week because of the pain I’m in and the fact that I can’t do anything about it. I can’t exercise anymore either and that’s caused my to gain quite a bit of weight, which isn’t doing wonders for my mental health.
Sorry to have a rant, but I’m just so lost at the moment and I really want answers so I can move on from this. I hate being in this pain everyday.