Rectal Pressure: Hi everyone, I hope... - Endometriosis UK

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Rectal Pressure

Rose153 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is ok and really sorry if this is TMI. I have a question that relates to rectal... bum pressure. Does anyone have this all the time... or comes and goes? I have had an MRI and I am nervously waiting on the results. I have a bulky uterus and cyst on ovary (discovered during a trans vag ultrasound) hence the MRI). As well as heavy periods and pain I also get terrible bowel problems at the time of the month (pain, bloating, pressure, wind and mucus from bottom, shooting pains in my bottom and vagina that are random, like an electric shock nearly shooting me off my chair!). This bowel, bottom pressure is like needing to go, but there is nothing to come out. I go every morning, maybe about 2 or 3 times and that's it for the day. But I have this pressure, like something is pushing against my rectum. Arghhh!

Thank you!!

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Rose153 profile image
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17 Replies
EndoJaz profile image

I have a prolapsed bladder since hysterectomy and I get a pressure feeling like that. Also have the shooting pains. I have a solid mass on my ovary and adhesions and scar tissue. I think mine is a combination of it all. Let us know when you get your results, hopefully won’t be too long to wait x

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to EndoJaz

Thank you for your reply. That must be horrible for you. Hopefully not much longer, my consultant is on holiday just now so that's bad timing! x

Morning Rose,

I'm currently recovering from my first laparoscopy (they didn't find any endo... Good news/no real news).

But, in spite of the lap results, I also get those electric bum pains & mucous you describe, which are worse around menstruation & even worse around ovulation - the one thing that is obviously, physically "wrong" is that I have a "tilted uterus;" According to statistics, this doesn't usually present any 'pain' issues, aside from the minority (do we trust stats? Who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️).

I notice that my cervix pushes backwards directly onto my vaginorectal septum & makes my bowels feel like they need to be emptied, even when I've just 'been.' I usually go 3 - 4 times each day. The pain is obviously worse when my cervix is at its longest (ovulation times). I have no clue how much pressure my uterus adds to the equation but I rarely feel comfortable and have varying degrees of cramping, (back, abdomen & legs), throughout the month.

Just wanted to say that it might be worth considering that there may be more than 1 condition that can cause these particular symptoms.

I hope your endo/ gyne journey is going as well as possible.

All the best xx

Dogmad6 profile image

I have confirmed very severe endometriosis and I get exactly all these symptoms. The fact that yours is cyclical is also making me think it could be endometriosis. I hope you get answers soon. Bowel endometriosis is really horrible. Good luck xx

Rectal pain and a regular feeling of needing a bowel movement despite not actually needing to (I believe it’s called tenesmus) are my main symptoms. Sometimes it feels like there is something lodged up there, and other times it’s a terrible gnawing pain. I felt like I had a bad infection. I’ve since had an MRI with showed a large adhesion between my uterus and my bowel/rectosigmoid so this explains this. Have always had a jittery stomach mainly due to anxiety I think, but I do believe my bloating and upset stomach especially around ovulation are due to this.

Hopefully your MRI will get you some answers.

Rose153 profile image

Thank you everyone. I have had a phone call with my consultant today who has the results of my MRI. Stage 4 endo, everywhere. Particularly around the rectum, bowel, on my C Section scar... ovaries, inbetween vagina and rectum. Lap booked in 2 weeks as I am so so so fortunate to be going private. He said that it is very likely I will need a full hysterectomy but lap first to determine everything and to get rid of what he can just now. I also have adeno. Feel shocked, but glad to be getting it sorted.

Crazycatladyjones profile image
Crazycatladyjones in reply to Rose153

Ah its a lot to take in! I have same symtpms as you. Saw a private speacialist who thinks endo effecting bowles awaiting a lap, I dont want any surgery though til after my wedding so a few months yet. Hope yours goes well! X

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to Crazycatladyjones

Thank you - yes it's just rotten. Hope you are managing the day to day ok xx

Crazycatladyjones profile image
Crazycatladyjones in reply to Rose153

Thanks Im managing at the moment but its tough... I have had to go back on contraceptive implant to help symptoms it seems to be easing a bit. But I was ment to be preparing my body to try and conceive following wedding but I dnt know what to do anymore. I lost a baby 13yrs ago also so was always very worried about another pregnancy and now this just a lot to take in x Hope your lap helps good luck xxx

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to Crazycatladyjones

My goodness, that is just so incredibly sad. My heart goes out to you. It's such a big thing to cope with mentally and physically. It sounds like you have a great consultant who I am sure will help you every step of the way. My inbox is always open if you need a chat x

Crazycatladyjones profile image
Crazycatladyjones in reply to Rose153

Thanks 💖 yes my consultant was so nice and very reassuring that what happened with my 1st preganacy wasnt linked and I was very unlucky and no reason why I cant try again but I just need to get my mind to listen to that ! Trying to just think about getting my wedding sorted and hopefully no more messing about with covid! X take care

TennisCourt profile image

I know this post was 2 years ago but commenting just incase you’re still active on here!

This is the first post I’ve come across to do with this and currently what I’m struggling with and FINALLY don’t feel alone thank you😭😭

I’m not diagnosed yet, got my lap October but I constantly have pain in my rectum, the exact same shopting pains in vagina and rectum, I always always said I feel like there’s something stuck in there like a pressure!!!! I’ve never seen anyone describe that like you did too. I had a conlonscopy the other month so I know all that is clear. I spend half my life on the toilet I swear.

I can’t wait to find out on my lap if I have Endo and where but I was wondering was it Endo causing these pains and where was the Endo specifically? Did you ever get any relief etc? Thank you I’m advance xx

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to TennisCourt

Hey, so sorry you are going through this. It's just awful. That's good the colonoscopy was clear!! I had surgery and they found extensive endometriosis. My womb was fused to my bowel, the pouch of Douglas was obliterated with endo. Huge endometroma on ovary. So that explained the pressure as the pouch of Douglas is right behind the womb and next to the rextum. Everything was excised, the womb unstuck and the cyst removed and ovary reconstructed. I also have adenomyosis. I had the mirena inserted at the time of surgery. It took 8 months for me to see any real difference after the surgery. I also saw an amazing pelvic floor therapist who helped me enormously. Are you having surgery with an endo specialist? Have you had an MRI?

TennisCourt profile image
TennisCourt in reply to Rose153

Thank you so much for replying!!! Oh bless you. So did that surgery completely take away this rectal pain etc? And was the rectal pain because the Endo was on the pouch of Douglas?

I’m just so intrigued to find out what causes it, I don’t think anyone believes when I talk about it. I literally feel like my bum will fall out sometimes🤦🏽‍♀️ like I was gobsmacked the colonoscopy didn’t find anything that’s what really made me push to find out about Endo! I swear my bum pain has got worse since the colonoscopy tbh.

I of course have all this along with extremely heavy and painful periods, severe bloating, abdominal pain(Stabby pains in ovaries), IBS issues, fatigue, painful legs etc

Yes a specialist all certified on the BSGE website, I’m going private. Not had an MRI, 2 years ago had ultrasound on NHS all clear, had colonoscopy, stool sample etc due to my bowel issues. I’m august I paid to see a specialist just a consultation and she said instantly highly likely it’s Endo and I need the lap, then I got booked in for October she didn’t even mention an MRI! Xxx

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to TennisCourt


So the surgery took away the feeling of something stuck. It was like sitting on a tennis ball all the time - but that is because my womb was stuck to my bowel and loads of endo on the rectum. The pain when pooing is still there but it is less. I think it has a lot to do with hypertonic pelvic floor too, years of pain has led to really tight dysfunctioning muscles. But I have seen a fab physio and I have stretches to do to help with this. I had a sigmoidoscopy (similar to colonoscopy) 8 months after my surgery as I was still having really bad pain when pooing and also some blood. It was all clear. I went private too (Edinburgh) and it was the best decision ever!

When is your surgery date?

TennisCourt profile image
TennisCourt in reply to Rose153

Thank you so much really appreciate your replies. 24th October🙌🙌 the waiting list for NHS was 18 months and I just could not wait that. Can’t come soon enough, I just want to know the situation xx

Rose153 profile image
Rose153 in reply to TennisCourt

That's not long. Just remember to take a pillow for the car journey home. The seatbelt will be right across your tummy so the pillow is essential. Feel free to send a DM if you want any other info. Hopefully this will give you some answers and relief, the waiting was the worst part for me and the not knowing. x

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