Anyone know anything about verbal abuse? - Endometriosis UK

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Anyone know anything about verbal abuse?

Sweetyassi profile image
16 Replies


I know this is a sensitive issue but I need help. Has anyone suffered verbal emotional abuse? Not physical abuse.

I really need someone to talk to.



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Sweetyassi profile image
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16 Replies
boboveena28 profile image

Hi Sweety,

I'm so sorry that you are in this position. No one should be subjected to such abuse. Maybe you can elaborate more on what happened. You may msg me privately too.


Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to boboveena28

Hi Veena, Thank you for your reply. Basically my hubby has been on some medication which really really helps him with his moods, every so often he tries to come off them and his mood swings are bad. He doesn't hit anyone. It's his words and his silent treatment that he gives me. If he's annoyed or angry with my kids he will take it out on me and not look at me, not be in the same room as me and not talking to me for over a week. This has been going on for so many years and it's wearing me down. My kids are fed up and hate him. My hubby says he doesn't want to be on his medication for the rest of his life but once he's off them I find him scary, I am scared to ask him anything or just talk to him. I'm scared of being alone with him he gives off a scary vibe. He makes me feel guilty for nothing that is my fault. I have to apologise for no reason to him. I'm so depressed right now.


boboveena28 profile image
boboveena28 in reply to Sweetyassi

Hi dearie. That sounds like u are in a very bad situation. I would suggest contacting a helpline as suggested by the others or seek couple counselling. If u ever feel like you or your kids lives are in danger at any point, I would suggest moving away to someplace safe for awhile until u can sort things out. Try not to be alone with him because u seem very petrified of him without his meds.

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to boboveena28


He won't go to couples counselling he has said no once before. He has a scary vibe to him when he's like this. I am scared of what he might say to me, whether he will shout at me, say something hurtful. I'm really fed up of walking on eggshells around him. My kids know I am scared of being alone with him even though he's not talking to me, they are in the same room with me. My kids want me to get a divorce they are fed up with his behaviour with me.

Bubble_by profile image
Bubble_by in reply to Sweetyassi

My dad was verbally abusive and controlling. I hid in my room and stopped eating at the age of 7 because I was always tense all the time. I hated being around him.

Its also left me with a tonne of daddy issues as a result and messed up the way I view men. I always anticipate that they will hurt me even if they're lovely. I simply can't think of any other way and I'm receiving counselling for various issues and to change tee way I think about men as I know this isn't healthy. I always resented my mum for not leaving him and having done more to take me out of this situation.

Please listen to your children and what they have to say/feel. I know it isn't easy at the best of times but please find help for you and your children.

Best of luck 🍀💕

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to Bubble_by

Hi,I'm sorry to hear all that you suffered. This issue with my hubby and his medication has ruined the family. We have drifted apart from him and he knows that. I made him take his medication yesterday in front of me. I found the courage to tell him how he makes me feel and what he is doing is wrong. I also told him that I was going to leave him, that scared him and he took his medication and he apologised to me which he never has done before.

Bubble_by profile image
Bubble_by in reply to Sweetyassi

It's good you've told him.

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to Bubble_by

Thanks, I was really scared of telling him but I am glad I did. I just hope he doesn't stop taking his medication again.

CherryPie1 profile image

I am si sorry to hear that hun.

What exactly have they said?

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to CherryPie1


He doesn't talk to me when he's in his bad mood but if he has to he will talk to me rudely and angrily with hatred in his eyes. He turns things around making it my fault. He will say hurtful things to mr about my parents, if he is angry with one of my kids and needs to tell me something he will swear at me. I know this doesn't sound like verbal abuse. Maybe I'm just making it seem like it's very bad when it's not. But is it okay to give someone the silent treatment for nothing? It happened last week Sunday went shopping with my hubby and he was off his medication a week before that and he just turned around at me calling me cranky and money pinching, when I'm not, I wasn't cranky I was in a good mood he was the one who was cranky because he doesn't eat anything before going shopping and then he snaps at me because he's hungry.

God I sound awful don't I???

Dinah_lady profile image

I would recommend contacting Women’s Aid or the National Domestic Abuse helpline. They will be able to support you in talking through this. Take care x x

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to Dinah_lady

Hi Dinah_lady,

Thank you for your advice. I will contact them. Thank you for your help.

Vickster23 profile image

Absolutely agree, you need to reach out to an organisation to help. Try the Bright Sky app - it made to look like a weather app in case anyone sees it on your phone - it’ll show you how to get help x

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to Vickster23

Hi Vickster23,Thank you I will check it out once I'm alone. Thank you.

USgalwthendo profile image

Just want you to know you are not alone. Often times when we are in a situation so long we start to question ourselves or even blame ourselves for other’s behavior. It’s hard to see it when you’ve been in it so long. But no one should have to live like that. Please reach out and get help for yourself as others suggested.

Sweetyassi profile image
Sweetyassi in reply to USgalwthendo

Hi Usgalwthendo,Thank you for your advice. I will be getting in touch with someone who can help me. Thank you.

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