Endo and depression: Hi all, haven't seen... - Endometriosis UK

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Endo and depression

hilkora profile image
28 Replies

Hi all, haven't seen any posts here about endo and depression links so thought I would post about it. I have been experiencing low moods, sadness, fatigue for a while now on and off. When I have to go to work I try and be cheerful, social normal person. When I'm at home for long periods like now for Christmas I just sit in the living room on my own watching telly. It doesn't even matter what I watch as I don't remember much afterwards it's like I switch off. My husband says he is always guessing what mood I'm in a few times daily - sad, happy, loving, angry, irritated etc. I don't realise myself it's happening but I feel bouts of anger because of little things. I just did some research online and found an article linking endo to depression and other mental disorders. Article said that endo sufferers experience pelvic pain which leads to low moods, these low moods can then lead to more physical pain (with me when I get stressed I get cramping), and then more low moods because of the physical manifestation of these low moods. This then forms a continuous circle. I wondered if any of you ladies experience this? I just don't know what to do. I will call my gp but doubt they will see any connection at all. Thank you x

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hilkora profile image
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28 Replies
virgo1996 profile image


Low mood is linked as a big part is hormone imbalance. I am the exact same in terms of my husband not knowing what mood he will get today. I know myself he will be constalty walking on egg shells not to say the wrong thing. The best advise i can give is to do what i did and talk to him. Openly say at the moment your not yourself and explain how you feel. ( when i did this is felt vulnerable opening up about so much) but ive commited to this guy and he accepted all of my personalities and all sides of me, no matter how hard it is at times.

hope this helps x

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to virgo1996

Thank you, good to know it's not just me in this situation. I did explain to my husband but with my moods it's just me sitting on my own staring into blank space. I just feel numb, don't want to interact with anyone. It's not just my mood that is affected but my whole life too because of this :( x x

virgo1996 profile image
virgo1996 in reply to hilkora

I completely understand. I've have been like it the past couple of months. Going to work, coming home and going in the bath then to bed. Pretending to be asleep so i don't have to talk to anyone. Im really struggling as I'm waiting to see the specialist in January, but covid has slowed everything down.

Speak to your GP, they may prescribe something to level out your hormones. I'm currently not on anything as my GP wants to wait for me to see the specialist before anymore contraception. xx

Noz29 profile image
Noz29 in reply to hilkora

I'm so sorry you feel like this. I can relate so so much. I've lost my spirit and can't enjoy life anymore. Depression sucks

I have been depressed for many years. It's something that I always contend with. Post partum depression was a given - was too afraid to share the extent with anyone except my hubby. I find I can be snappy & cold towards my children sometimes, feeling immense irritation at even the smallest things... Then hate myself for my unkind thoughts & words; wishing that I could get off this emotional roundabout.

I've been on antidepressants before, but I found they made me feel emotionless & caused weird physical sensations in my legs, especially when I yawned 😅. I stuck with them for over a year.

My friend, on the other hand, gets on well with the ones she takes. But we're all different.

A visit to a gynaecologist, in the spring, also brought up some deeply hidden memory of trauma and caused anxiety to take a firm hold. I'm slowly climbing back up from that particular pit.

Previous poster is so right though, communication with those nearest & dearest is essential. If I feel a particular way in the morning, I'll tell my hubby, "just to warn you that I feel completely down today & numb, so apologies in advance if I snap."

Let us know if you get anywhere with your GP.

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to PurpleSynesthesia

I tell my husband if I want to be left alone if I'm having a bad day. I guess I would like to enjoy life more and this state I'm in just keeps me firm on the sofa and unwilling to leave house at all. I chose not to have children as I don't really feel anything when I'm around them. No motherly feelings or that yearning to have one of my own. Somehow I fear there would be no bond as I'm detached and not very affectionate with people even my husband x

PurpleSynesthesia profile image
PurpleSynesthesia in reply to hilkora

Your life is your choice & it's right that you're not being pressured into anything.

I was pushed into making a family by all my relatives & many friends & genuinely believed it was my choice.

It was my choice, largely, but nobody reveals all the ugly truths until you're there with bane-in-arms.

Having a baby is incredibly difficult - there are lots of sayings about the pros outweighing the cons and the rewards being worth it & sure it's an incredibly enriching experience that draws out a deep & selfless love I never knew existed within me, but I've been on the edge so many times & I know for a fact that I could have taken things too far, out of desperation, if not for the lifeline of faith I have - I'll leave it there though because this isn't a preacher's platform 😅

Lots of love, you're not alone xx

TennisAM profile image


There's a Yale University study that suggests that endo affects and changes the mood and pain parts of the brain. It's not always that we feel the symptoms and this makes us depressed. It could be both the result of endo symtoms and endo causing it (as per the yale study). I had advice from an endometriosis consultant that endo affects the autonomic nervous system which affects fight or flight response, digestion and many other things.

I feel all of what you said, regularly. Has your doctors checked your hormone levels? This is done in the first week of your period, apart from progesterone which is done day 21 after your period. A classic situation with endo is high estrogen and low progesterone. Worth getting the doc to check it

Can I suggest a book? It takes some practice but it's worth it. The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris is a book on Acceptance and Commitment therapy. Its fantastic and very helpful. Although I still feel the symptoms every so often, I don't engage with them in the same way and they don't persist as before, thanks to this book. Some of the tips may feel strange but they absolutely work.

CBT may also help you or maybe counselling. If you're in the UK you can refer yourself via your talk therapy local service. In England it's called IAPT.

I found its important to learn to to notice the symptoms and how to handle them when they occur. This takes time.

If you have any questions please let me know

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to TennisAM

Hi, I bought the book on amazon can't wait to read it, thank you x I've been trying out different types of contraceptives for 3 years now and won't be surprised if my hormones are all over the place. I didn't think much about the mental side of things until recently. Main aim for me was to be pain free. I had 2 laps 3 years ago and gradually went from endo pain only whilst I had my period to nearly daily pain after the laps so it got worse. I tried out progesterone only pill in summer and it gave me panic attacks and anxiety. I came off hormones for 2 months but pain came back. I'm on contraceptive patch week 4 now fingers crossed it works for pain and then I can deal with the mental aspect. x

TennisAM profile image
TennisAM in reply to hilkora

Hi, yes it's so tough, I don't get on well with hormonal medication either. I tried a progesterone only for 2 months and felt severely depressed the whole time. I also should have said, worth trying at least 10 minutes of meditation daily. Yoga is good for mood and pain. Also 30 minutes exercise daily can help with anxiety and depression. Hope you find something that helps xx

Dimah profile image

Hi.This is such validation! Thank you. And really interesting. I've been in such low places on my journey. Didn't get much understanding or emotional support from those around me so now I just try and keep it to myself. A big help was changing to natural progesterone. It gave me my life back. Now my symptoms are manageable.

Good luck to you all

USgalwthendo profile image

My moods were destroying my marriage. I was diagnosed 7 years ago with endo but never knew the link between endo and depression. I work full time and have a great relationship with my four year old. Then I came across an article about high functioning depression. Not every person with depression exhibits the same symptoms. I didn’t sleep all day but I did lose interest in things I used to do like running and snowboarding. I also had rage. And then my dad passed away in September and I had suicidal thoughts which scared me. I had a coworker who ended her life and I couldn’t understand how she could leave her children. Now I understand. The brain tricks you. I got help right away through my doctors office. I saw a counselor. I told her about my endo. Turns out she has endo too. She also told me about medical induced depression. People with chronic pain and depression go hand in hand. It was such a relief to hear that. She suggested medication which honestly I was always against but I tried it an it’s been extremely helpful. My husband commented the other day about how I seemed happier. It took almost 7 weeks for me to really see the difference. Even my last cycle where I normally get extreme rage and low moods was barely a blip and I was able to recognize my feelings and redirected myself to take a walk. After years of suffering and thinking that’s normal, I finally feel better. Which in turn helps me deal with my endo too. I still have my struggles both physical and emotional but things are tremendously better and I’ve been on citalopram for 10 weeks now. I wish you the best. Definitely check out some medical articles online and talk to your medical team. The mental and physical go hand in hand. It’s real. And there is help. God bless

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to USgalwthendo

I'm glad life is better for you now, very sorry about your dad x x x I definitely can't go on like this, one day everything seems ok and then it slowly creeps in. I was against any sort of mood altering medication before, but I have all my life ahead of me and I have to face it and deal with it

USgalwthendo profile image
USgalwthendo in reply to hilkora

I hear you. I was able to take a low dose and I have had no side effects. I’m also just normal feeling. I’m not super “fake” happy. I still feel my feelings. I just don’t have the severe ups and downs. It just got me to a place where I can finally feel normal. I had forgotten what that felt like. I just knew something was wrong. I’m so glad I finally moved forward. Everything doesn’t have to be a struggle all the time. I also cut back on self medicating. Embarrassed to admit but I was drinking wine every day. to help cope. I’m still a wine drinker for sure but it’s just a nice occasional drink not a crutch anymore. Im also a better parent as my moods aren’t so erratic anymore. I tried to hide it but as he got older My son would see me weep and it would break my heart but I couldn’t pull myself out of it. I wanted to be better for him. And now I am. It’s getting better every day. I wish you the best.

Afrohair profile image

There is a link and it's not surprising when my symptoms first started I was at an all time low never got any answers from doctors had to figure out what was wrong my self immediate family didn't believe my pains and showed not enough compassion it started to feel awful till I pushed through it I started forcing family to see a specialist with me so they would be more understanding general doctors didn't really give me much nor general gynaecologist.you are correct that it's a viscous circle it's important for you to try and push yourself this is only how my depression went away.i had to control the endo and not have the endo control me from diet exercise and working alongside the right people when possible I pushed myself through the pain some days told my self it wasn't there x

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to Afrohair

Hi, I'm also on a diet caffeine, lactose, alcohol free. Limit meat intake and also refined sugars. I can't eat large portions either as it causes bowel pain the next day due to endo. It's a daily battle with my own body. Finally going to leave the house today and go for a walk x

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to hilkora

Sorry your feeling down I'm currently pregnant at the minute I fought endo to the max it was depressing at times but I got my miracle baby and I will continue to fight I won't let it control me.allowing so causes more pain .ive had days I can't move Or breath but I'll still get up again

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to Afrohair

Congratulations! X x I've heard that pregnancy eases endo symptoms, hope it stays like that after birth too

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to hilkora

It won't lovely but I'm prepared !mine was worse after I miscarried and I'm not breastfeeding Hoping the coil works

Gingernut74 profile image

Hi,I can totally relate to a lot you have said, but had it for sooo long you don’t realise you are actually feeling like this, but what I did find

Really really helped me both with pain, emotions & stress was having reflexology & reiki every two weeks around the time just before ovulation & your period, so much so I’ve been able to come off all my pain killers & feel a bit normal.

I can’t recommend it enough they work hand in hand with each other, it helps with relaxation too.

Hope you find some relief soon 🙏🙏

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to Gingernut74

Thank you! I never tried reiki or reflexology before. My husband has accupuncture sometimes to help with shoulder pain so I think maybe there are specific points for pelvic pain too, worth looking into. X x

Gingernut74 profile image
Gingernut74 in reply to hilkora

Definitely! I’ve had years of pain & being on painkillers, can’t believe this is cured it all for me? So worth a try, just try it based round those 2 crucial times of cycle, I found it by a fluke of how my appointments fell once & was so shocked it how well it worked? Xx

ourmolly profile image

I have just replied to you but somehow I lost my reply. I like you have had depression. I had very heavy periods with large clots. But I also had a toddler and a baby to look after, but I did not work. My husband helped when he was not at work. I also had rectal bleeding with clots. I had to have an emergency hysterectomy at: 28, as they could not let me pass another period due to the periods being horrendous. Hence, I still had rectal bleeding as they did not remove my ovaries as I was very young. I am: 65 and still have rectal bleeding. I had to be medically retired at: 39 due to severe back problems, for which I have a wheelchair if I am out. I had a Spinal Cord Stimualtor fitted for my back. I do not go out much. I have been on: 75 mg of Venlafaxine for many years which helps. I suggest you go to your GP and explain how you feel. regards, Della xx

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to ourmolly

I'm very sorry to hear about your struggles, this is heartbreaking X x x

Noz29 profile image

I'm very depressed. I was diagnosed last minth with severe Endo and bilateral endometriomas by mri and ultrasound. God knows how bad it is when I go for a lap. Whenever that is. Since covid is slowing things down at least for 8 months in my country. I live in the Netherlands. I feel the lack of care and info from the 2 gynos I've seen is making me feel depressed. They can't answer any of my questions about fertility and about treatment. I'm 36. I want to stay fertile. No one tells me if I can or still am. I get no answers. I was referred to a medical psychologist. But what can she do for me? I just want answers. Gyno says using bc isn't the right thing right now since I'm so depressed. Progesterone might make things worse. And I can't take the combined pills since I can't take estrogen because I have epilepsy.

But I'm thinking.. If I'm so Inbalanced because of endo... Wouldn't progesterone be a good thing for my mental health? Maybe I would benefit instead of deteriorate?

My cysts wrote found accidentally during a spinal mri for extreme sciatica. I'm now convinced I have sciatic endo as well. It wasn't seen on MRI. But there is no other explanation than endo. When I stopped the depo shot many years ago the sciatica started.

I feel overwhelmed by my depression. But I'm thinking.. A new diagnosis while I'm already chronically ill, lost my job due to my illnesses, covid happened.. Is it not normal to feel like this? Is this the imbalance of hormones or a depression?

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to Noz29

As far as I understand imbalance of hormones leads to depression, and chronic pain from endo leads to depression as well. I've been on various birth control for 3 years and progesterone pill was the worst for me as it caused panic attacks and anxiety. I stopped the pill for 2 months but couldn't last any longer due to pains. I was dreading my next period. It might be worth checking your hormone levels id you're not on the pill now just to be sure. Re sciatica pain - I know endo can damage nerves, and even long term chronic pain does that with time. Covid definitely didn't make things easier with gyms being closed and just general worry whether you lose or keep your job, worry about elderly relatives.. How are you managing the pain without both control? X x

Chapter73 profile image

Hello! I thought I'd add to this because depression has been a huge part of my battle with endo and adenomyosis. I have been on a low dose of an SSRI for a number of months now to help with the extreme downs. I have to say that I'm not sure they help! But we'll see. Patience is a big part of an endo-warrior's life haha :) The hormone imbalance going on in our bodies is pretty strong... However! I've found ways to manage the pain and depression which are successful some days and not others.

I leave myself post-it notes of things to look forward to and things I want to accomplish. Sometimes they have supportive words from friends on that I've copied down from messages, and sometimes inspirational quotes I like :)

I have a playlist on Spotify I've created of happy badd-ass tunes that remind me to be strong and try and see the light where possible!

I make things like friendship bracelets or paint to distract and re-focus my brain. Fold some paper, doodle, bake, anything that involves making something physical that you can touch and see.

I do yoga (meditation hasn't worked for me yet but getting my body moving and breathing really does). I'd recommend Yoga With Adrienne on YouTube! She has so many different kinds of practices and she's always smiling :)

Go for a walk. Remove yourself from the space you're in. Surroundings are everything and it's so easy for our brains to attach bad feelings to where we are in that moment. So as hard as it is, get off the sofa or out of bed and go outside. Stare at something boring like a building and try and find something interesting about it. Sounds really weird but it's helped me a few times :)

And lastly, get angry! Endo is a f**king nightmare and everyone who is living with because of pure bad luck is a beautiful hero. It's not fair, it's super hard to deal with, and the lack of understanding and support from the world is shockingly cruel. But anger is useful! Anger is natural and can be more productive than sadness. Use it to give you power and make you think of all you've done in your life despite endo, and all you have left to see and do!

Be patient, you're amazing. Everything you're going through is natural <3 I know how frustrating it is being consumed by such a rollercoaster of feelings. It's hard to keep up with our own bodies! Pain is brutal, and only those with chronic pain will ever understand its effects. But try to see it as your super power rather than something that defines you :)

hilkora profile image
hilkora in reply to Chapter73

I agree re anger! I used to workout in gym till I was barely able to move. It was like punishing my body in a way for all the pain it causes. Might sound silly but it helped. Now with gyms closed all this anger is directed at my husband, he says he will bear the brunt. I also have a Spotify list and find that gardening helps keeping me calm and focused. I wish I was more positive like you are :) x x

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