So I am currently 20 years old , back in June 2020 one Sunday evening I was struck with the worst abdominal pain on my right hand side I’ve ever felt. I was screaming in pain and at my big age all I wanted was my mum ! After my boyfriend and mum see me they took me straight down to A&E due to COVID-19 I was left to walk into the hospital by myself where I had to sit for over four hours in excruciating pain whilst the doctors did tests. Around 4 am they decided to cancel anything to so they sent me home to then go to another hospital at 8 am do you have and Altra sound. During the other four hours I was at the other hospital alone having ultrasounds I was left to sit in a waiting room on a chair. Upon further inspection and tests they could not find anything so sent me home but give me a number to ring if I experience the pain within the next two hours to come down to be able to spend the night in the hospital to carry on further tests in the morning. After three hours of me being at home I was took back down to the hospital to be sat on another chat to wait two hours for bed to be ready at this time it was midnight before I got into bed and was given some painkillers and told to rest for the night. The next morning I was sent for another ultrasound which came back Clear. Was then sent home and doctors told me to keep taking paracetamol until the pain was gone as the doctors could not find anything. Over the past four months I have put up with this constant pain . In which I tried to hide as I thought I was being silly and it was all in my mind. However last week I decided I could not deal with the constant pain so I rang the doctors . The doctor then tell me you was going to refer me to another area in the hospital for them to have a look at my ultrasound I have now just found out today that they may think is endometriosis! I’m upset by the fact the doctor didn’t explain or for me what this was. Olli said his was he’s going to refer me. I have been sat here for 4 hours googling what endometriosis is and I’m in shock ! However now looking at the symptoms it explains why have I experience a lot of them ever since I was 14.
I I think this is a huge shock to taking I just don’t know how to let it sink in