Bad day: This pain is relentless today had... - Endometriosis UK

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Bad day

Lou93 profile image
34 Replies

This pain is relentless today had a really bad day with sharp ovary pains, took pain relief and it’s not helping, hot water bottle stuck to me all day and hot bath not helped either.

I’m at a loss what else to do, currently on zoladex injections waiting for further surgery, was in hospital about a month ago with similar pains but they just give me morphine keep me for a few days then say speak to my gynaecologist.

Any advice would be appreciated xx

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Lou93 profile image
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34 Replies
Knina profile image

I am not sure what pain medications you are taking. If I have very bad pains, Vicodin helps me. So sorry to hear that you are in such pain. I bough lilas pads on amazon for my intermediate pain. They do not take pain completely out, but it does not feel that bad after applying the patch.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Knina

Thank you I’m on all sorts of different pain relief,will look into what you have said thanks x

Moon_maiden profile image

How are you feeling today?

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Moon_maiden

Rubbish thank you still in bed just got off phone to GP and he’s given me some morphine to have at home, consultant due to call me on 3rd dec to book me in for surgery so it’s a waiting game, if I get worse I will call them back.

How are

You doing? X

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Lou93

Sorry your having a bad time. It’s horrible when it drags you down. Good GP has prescribed something a bit more decent. They forget that when pain is real it’s highly unlikely any addiction would occur. They get way too cautious at times

Hopefully no delays in December for op.

I had a couple of better days this week, until 2 am this morning. So after thinking maybe op isn’t necessary kind of changed mind again 🤦‍♀️

I did phone secretary to chase for date, she was great in organising it. See what happens on 3rd and go from there

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Moon_maiden

Thanks Moon it’s awful isn’t it, yeh he’s really good he’s spoken with my consultant so is fully aware what’s going off.

Didn’t you have a date set? Bless you not good to wake up in pain.

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Lou93

That’s good, makes a change for communication to exist 🙂. Maybe with the parliamentary discussions word is actually getting out there.

Mine is 24th 🥺, pre op Tuesday, covid test Saturday. Self isolating for seven days beforehand. It was originally three but they’ve stepped things up.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Moon_maiden

Let’s hope so 🤞 I will only speak to that one GP about it all as he knows my situation and is actually sympathetic about it all.

Ah not long then how are you feeling? Yes I would of thought so with everything going on, I did worry mine would be pushed back but I hope not.

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Lou93

I’ve given up with trying to speak to one GP, it’s proved pointless. In the new year when this is all over I’ll look again at changing surgeries. It takes too long to get anything done or to get a diagnosis. Having to go private for an answer I wasn’t impressed.

Hopefully the hospital has everything under control. 🙂

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Moon_maiden

Sounds a good idea if there not helpful and yes I’m sure it will be fine ☺️

miraclemummy profile image

After 28 years and 9 surgeries all I can say is, morphine and a mirena. I have taken morphine slow release twice a day for 12 years. I also have ankylosing spondylitis so perhaps thats why I have morphine but its worth asking. Jad a mirena put in about 5 years ago, its Changed my life! I can work now. Then I take liquid morphine for what I call "breakthrough pain". Its never gone, you can't cure endo, but its much better.

A mirena isn't for everyone though, I've been very lucky. I tried other coils before and they ruined me.

Hysterectomy next.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to miraclemummy

I’ve had the mirena before and unfortunately it didn’t suit me had many other things and found the depo worked for me but stopped now as on zoladex and waiting for hysterectomy.

It’s such an awful condition to deal with some days I’m fine then others it knocks me for six, glad the morphine works for you the only issue I’m having is I can only have small doses at home and it’s not doing a lot 🙈

Noodle1984 profile image

I’m so sorry you’re struggling right now. I have 17 chronic conditions (including Endo, adenomyosis, and fibroids) and I've learned a few tips and tricks along my journey. I’m glad to hear you’re on some type of birth control. This is something a lot of people refuse to take and honestly it’s a really bad idea. Ebro feeds on estrogen so the more you let it party freely the more it grows. You can only have so many surgeries before you’re left in permanent pain.

There are a few things you can do for yourself now..

1. Find a pelvic physio who specializes in pelvic pain or endo. They can give you different exercises to strengthen, help with penetration and sex pain, help with incontinence, bowel pain, etc.

2. Eliminate inflammation inducing foods. Everyone hates this one, and I’m not saying you can’t cheat here or there but be prepared for the consequences after you haven’t had it in a while lol. Eliminate sugar (added, fruit sugars are okay), dairy (coconut and almond are great alternatives, and cheese from certain parts of Europe where they haven’t bred the cows to produce an extra protein), gluten/wheat (schar brand is amazing!), and soy (produces estrogen in the body which extra isn’t good). Also try to reduce the amount of processed foods and eat as organic as you can.

3. A heating pad is your best friend. Don’t try the hot water bottle, the pressure hurts my uterus.

4. Magnesium is your second best friend. When you’re feeling cramping and you can, run a warm bath with 2 cups or Epsom salt (magnesium!) and it will help to soothe. I take 400 mg of magnesium in capsule form at night, helps with cramping and to sleep. Also amazing if you have restless leg syndrome.

5. Keep a diary of your symptoms and what you were doing when it happened or what you were eating. Maybe you can figure out some of your triggers.

6. Make sure you’re seeing an Endo specialist. Do whatever you can, don’t find one that just has a special interest. Most general gyn don’t know much about the condition. They tend to only do ablation (basically removing them top and leave the root). Instead of the gold standard of excision where they remove the whole implant. I have read so many stories of woman either coming out and they find no Endo or are still in just as much pain.

I hope you find something to give you a bit of relief. Sending you healing vibes 💕

Mheulgio profile image
Mheulgio in reply to Noodle1984

Lots of great info in here! Can ask what brand you use for magnesium? I’ve decided to start on this and there’s so many out there!

Noodle1984 profile image
Noodle1984 in reply to Mheulgio

I’m in Canada so brand won’t help. But make sure you’re buying a high quality brand. Here in Canada there is requirements but supplements aren’t tested for every batch like pharmaceuticals. So you want to ensure you’re using a good brand.

Mheulgio profile image
Mheulgio in reply to Noodle1984

Thanks! I’m from the States and in using my Ma as a good guinea pig as she’s tried all the herbal help but with me in the UK it’s hard to get same branding and quantities differ a lot too.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to Noodle1984

Thank you so much for all these helpful tips much appreciated.

Hope your keeping well x

mrsk8cook profile image

Hi my sweet. You're ovaries should be "shut down" on the Zoladex... and it's more than likely the pain is coming from adhesions and scaring now. Which I'm pretty sure is where I'm at at this stage. The pain gets right up there... and I mean right up there to the point I may black out. Hottie doesn't seem to help much. Pain relief can help you sleep through it. (Palexia IR is my reliever of choice... but it is all a little to late when the pain hits like a pack of wild dogs tearing at your innards). I wish I could help you... I can only sympathise at this stage my lovely. Dec 2nd will be month 6 of Zoladex and also i should hopefully have some news on adheshions surgery and a bowel resection. I'm sorry my love sending hugs and sunshine xxx

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

Hi thanks for your kind words☺️

Yes I’m due my 5th injection this week so you would like to think so, since July I’ve been in twice with this horrendous pain just seems to be getting worse.

Roll on my surgery🤞 taking morphine at home it’s helps so much but can only have small amounts and hot water bottle

Is glued to me at the moment, when I get these pains it’s sharp and I can double over in pain😥

Fingers crossed that you hear something soon, hope your doing ok? Sending hugs back xxx

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Lou93

I seem to be getting those pains now 5/7 a week. Although I do realise that I am AI and the rest. Sometimes I'm surprised to wake up in the morning... I think surely no one can survive torture like this. I can't even get used to the pain, and I do consider myself a tough cookie. "They" say "bowel obstruction is a medical emergency" but when it comes to ladies in our situation we have to ride through it, cry though it... wait and wait and wait. Be misdiagnosed and misunderstood and bloody live day to day terrified of what that day can bring. X

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

Oh I’m sorry to hear that, and yes it’s very true what you’ve said took me over 10 years to get diagnosed with endo and adeno awful conditions wouldn’t wish them on anyone x

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Lou93

Please read my post important info on Zoladex and cysts.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

Have done thank you xx

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Lou93

I've been struggling for a few weeksmultiple ruptured cysts! Doctors should know better.

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

It’s awful what we have to go through,hope your ok? Yeh they should never got told about half the side effects I’ve read about xx

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Lou93

I'm positively fuming!

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

They doing anything about the cysts? X

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to mrsk8cook

You should hear the menapause mouth on this little Aussie right now !!!

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

I’d be the same they get me so cross sometimes x

mrsk8cook profile image

I just found out that zoladex causes cysts on ovaries. Woman with PCOS require close attention while undertaking treatment xxx

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to mrsk8cook

Thanks for letting me know I didn’t know this, had a ultrasound last month and was clear but pain is worse again😢 xx

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to Lou93

Ok good. Just as long as you are informed.

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to mrsk8cook

Not good.

mrsk8cook profile image
mrsk8cook in reply to mrsk8cook

You know what I mean!

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