Hey so I've been diagnosed with endo in 2017 had two laps to excise endo, that was about two and a bit years ago. I've only had minimal symptoms and my periods are regular. No visible damage to ovaries or tubes but my ovaries do have a tendency to stick themselves to my uterus.
We're not having any luck conceiving naturally for over a year now; I use an app for temp, LH tests, and cervical mucus. My hubby has had tests and he's fine. Not overly stressing about it but I'm 36 and a bit, so options will be limited. Our area only does one IVF cycle on the NHS. I've been looking up other private options and that's opened up a whole world of different types of IVF which I didn't know about, some are supposed to be better for those with endo, pcos and fibroids as they're lower in hormone doses so don't trigger flareups:
Natural / Natural Modified IVF - collects eggs during natural cycles and implants them so no hormones - may only be on egg at a time
Mild IVF - 4 to 9 days of hormones as opposed to normal 24 days - focus on quality
They have options for 3 cycle payments, anyone needed a few? I'm guessing the NHS 1 is just 1 cycle?
I've not been for a consultation yet so I'm just doing my research!
Has anyone used these as opposed to normal IVF? Does it cause flareups? Has it been successful?