Surgery: Hi all, I finally have my... - Endometriosis UK

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kelsbels88 profile image
14 Replies

Hi all,

I finally have my surgery date (28/8) and I’m wondering what to expect when I wake up. This time it is with a specialist and they will be excising my endo from everywhere including in my bowel and attached to my ovaries and left tube. I know it’s most likely going to be worse than the first time which was just exploratory but just wanted to hear others experiences.

Many thanks


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kelsbels88 profile image
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14 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

I can’t comment on the surgery as likely this is to come. It’s great you haven’t got too much longer to wait though, that must be a relief.

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to Moon_maiden

Thank you for taking the time to reply. It is a relief but it’s been 18months since initial consult and it’s very real. Going to be a crazy few weeks with bloods and pre op etc, but yes definitely a relief.

Lou93 profile image

Hi when I had my surgery last year I was in a fair bit of pain when I woke up in recovery but had more pain relief and it settled down went home later that day, are you staying in overnight? X

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to Lou93

Hi thank you for replying. Yes They told me two night stay but need to confirm if this is standard or if it depends on the extent of the surgery. For me last time round was exploratory so they didn’t really do anything so I went in early am and was home by the evening ( I think) was a long time ago. X

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to kelsbels88

If the surgery is more complex then they will want to keep you for a few nights to keep an eye on you so I wouldn’t worry about that, hope this operation helps you then and relieves your symptoms, how have you coped in lockdown? X

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to Lou93

I’ve been very lucky when it’s bad I’ve been able to manage it I think I had two episodes where I was doubled over in the bathroom for a couple of hours with the hot flushing and nausea. One of my symptoms is the cramps cause my body to think it needs to have a bowel movement so I can be stuck in the bathroom for hours because it thinks it needs to and nothing happen. They were tough but afterwards I just took over the counter pain meds and lay in bed with a heat pad.

We are desperate to get pregnant and start our family so this surgery will hopefully kill two birds with one stone so to speak and buy me some time to allow that to happen (hopefully 🤞🏻)

How are you doing? Where are you in your journey? X

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to kelsbels88

Oh thats good to hear that you’ve not been too bad, I have endo and adeno and also get bowel issues had camera done and they said it all looked fine for the bowel so they put it down to endo, fingers crossed for you then🤞 I’m at a bad point again had endo removed last year and now on zodalex injections to take me into menopause temporarily until I wait for further surgery.

Have you waited a while for surgery then? X

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to Lou93

It’s been 18months since my initial consultation with my specialist and 2 and a half yrs since diagnosis. I have so much going on inside it’s mental. I sometimes think “damn how am I still going through each day” but somehow I do. My left side ovary is attached to the tube and back of my uterus. The right side was blocked then cleared and I think is blocked again and I have a 10cm portion of my bowel which has endo on it and is making the bowel wall thicker so bowel movements can be awful. They don’t know yet if that part of bowel is coming out but they have tried to prepare me for everything just incase. Oh and I have cysts on/in my ovaries. So I have a lot of hope on this surgery and my poor consultant.

I’m so sorry to hear that you rough again. How are you finding the zoladex? How they given you any idea how long you could be waiting? Xx

Lou93 profile image
Lou93 in reply to kelsbels88

Wow you have been through a lot then, I think that as well sometimes or when someone says how do you cope with all the pain etc.

Well let’s just hope they get you sorted ☺️

Thanks it’s hard as I thought I’ve had surgery some relief but now it’s just back, well when I saw my consultant a few weeks ago he mentioned we can’t keep doing surgery every year because of scar tissue etc and not fair to put me through it, zodalex injections seem to be a bit rough at moment as only had one and dealing with side effects but it’s normal, a hysterectomy is looking to be the way forward for me and I know it’s such a big operation but I don’t want children so it’s a good option to have in the end xx

ShineyLou14 profile image

Hi, I had my op just over 3 weeks ago - had my left tube removed due to a haematosalpinx (blocked with blood), cysts removed from both ovaries, endo excised from multiple areas including the ureters, bowel shave and hysteroscopy. They gave me various painkillers during the surgery, fentanyl being one of them and then when I woke in recovery they gave me tramadol as I still had some pain. I stayed in for 1 night and my pain was controlled mainly with regular codeine, ibuprofen and paracetamol. Let the nurses/team know if you are in any pain as there will likely be more meds they can give you to control it. To be honest with you a lot of my pain was due to the surgeon temporarily stitching my ovaries to the abdomen wall which some consultants do to try to prevent them immediately adhering/sticking to other areas. I had to go to my GP 5 days after the op for the stitches to be removed. My biggest advice would be to rest and be kind to yourself after surgery and don’t try to do to much straight away. I found I got very tired very quickly and this has only just started to improve. I also suffered with severe constipation post op due to the codeine so was told to take lactulose however as you’re having more extensive bowel surgery that may be different.

On the plus side I’ve already noticed an improvement in my symptoms and my period (which started a week after the op) was ridiculously light compared to how it usually is. Hope everything goes ok for you and you recover quickly x

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to ShineyLou14

Thank you so much for the reply and sorry for the delay in my response.

I’m so glad that you have noticed a difference after surgery. This is what I’m hoping for. As I said previously I’m expecting an increase in pain but what what the other lovely ladies have said it seems quite manageable. Thank you for sharing xx

Nzendogirl profile image

I have had several laparoscopies for excision and last year had a total hysterectomy. The laps were ok pain wise, each time I had to stay two or three nights. Pain was always fine in the hospital but make sure you keep on top of painkillers once you get out. It helped me to have a notepad to write down when I took various painkillers in the first few days so I wouldn’t forget. Moving around is so important for gas pains in shoulders. Take a pillow in the car to hold over your stomach on the way home and also might help when you are moving around in the first few days. Stomach was very swollen and sore for about three weeks after laps. Heat pads work but not in the first few days as too sore. I was very tired for the first two days back home but pretty good by about week two or three. Hysterectomy was much worse pain wise in hospital and longer recovery but similar things helped for all of my ops.

kelsbels88 profile image
kelsbels88 in reply to Nzendogirl

Thank you so much for sharing and sorry for my delayed response. Sorry you had to go through so many surgeries.

A notepad sounds like a great idea. I remember having a pillow when I had my exploratory lap so will definitely do that again. Thank you so much for sharing. X

Unfortunately I haven't had this type of surgery but iv just had open surgery hysterectomy at 29 when you wake you will be in recovery and you must tell them any pain your in. You will go back to ward to be monitored and pain kept on top of until fit for discharge I had such major surgery and agonising pain I discharged not even 24 hours after my abdominal hysterectomy and cut from hip to hip xxx

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