Morning, so I had my 5th laparoscopy yesterday (the 1st didn't find any endometriosis but the other 3 did).
I was still in recovey when the consultant came to talk to me so he spoke to my Mum and partner Instead. I have a follow up in 2 months so I will probably find out more then.
From what I can remember my family telling me yesterday; I had a lot of adhesions which he has managed to remove, he managed to safely unstick my ovary and wrap it in a mesh to stop it sticking again and he managed to safely remove the septum in my uterus and put a anti-adhesion gel in there and in the rest of my abdomen I think to help it heal and prevent more scarring.
What I am confused about is he didn't mention any Endometriosis, so I'm not sure if; he just didn't mention it / he couldn't see it because of the adhesions / or if there wasn't any there...
Had anyone had this before? My last surgery was 4 years ago I have believed for the last 7 years I have endometriosis (I have medical records to state it was found and removed in my other surgeries) but potentially now nothing?
Can adhesions hide it? Can it just go away? I am soo confused about it all.
Anyway I surprisingly feel better than I thought I would, still sore obviously and groggy/tired and I am fully expecting once all the good stuff they gave me yesterday wears off it will hit me a bit more because I'm already starting to feel it a bit more this morning.
Thank you all for commnting on my other post with your well wishes and kind words it means alot! Yesterday all seems like a massive blur but soo glad it's over and hopefully NO MORE SURGERY EVER!!
Take care xxx