‘Psychological overlay’: Hi there, I went... - Endometriosis UK

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‘Psychological overlay’

Rosiexx profile image
19 Replies

Hi there,

I went to my GP yesterday as I’ve been having really severe abdominal pains. I had endo excision last June, and although I got better in the months following recovery, I’ve started to feel worse again.

So naturally I went to my GP to let them know. He said he thinks it’s IBS and psychological overlay, in other words, my brains imagining a pain that isn’t there.

I feel so so disheartened, and I’m tired from pushing for answers when doctors dismiss me, I’m missing uni from the pain now, and I’m in my final term or my final year.

For a doctor to tell me it’s in my head, after years of that before my diagnosis, I thought I wouldn’t have to contend with that again.

What’s the likelihood of endo coming back this soon after surgery?? And am I going mad??

Thanks, Rosie x

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Rosiexx profile image
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19 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

I can’t comment on how quickly it comes back, I doubt the pain is in your head though. What about contacting the consultant and asking them.

Good luck, hope you get it sorted

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to Moon_maiden

Thanks for your reply!! Unfortunately I’m not under the care of an endo specialist any more as from their perspective they did all they needed to do last summer... I might go and see another gp but it’s just been quite disheartening for a doctor to tell me it’s all in my head, when my tummy’s swelling so much and the pains so bad ☹️ xxx

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Rosiexx

Couldn’t do any harm to give the consultants secretary a call just to check, last summer isn’t very long ago.

Definitely see another GP though, don’t let the other one put you off. I know what you’re going through, I lost track of how many times I went back or called last year and proved them all wrong. 😀

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to Moon_maiden

Okay, I’ll give them a call tomorrow and see if I’m still registered under their care. Thanks ☺️

And yep I’ll try another one, I had all this for years pre-diagnosis but wasn’t expecting to have to fight again so soon for doctors to believe me! Thanks for your support it means a lot xxx

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Rosiexx

It’s definitely a crazy system. Good luck tomorrow, let us know how you get on. I’ll keep fingers crossed your still on the list 😊

Bubble_by profile image

I swear doctors always say that when they don't know what to say 🙄 I was fobbed off with the same thing for years until I finally got the treatment I needed. See another doctor and explain the problem again. I know it's going from pillar to post a bit but someone else may give a second opinion that makes gives you more treatment options.

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to Bubble_by

It’s the first time I’ve been told explicitly it’s in my head and it’s really knocked my self esteem the past day or two... I’m sorry you’ve been through the same, it’s tiring when you have to fight for yourself and I thought I was done last summer when I got the diagnosis after so many years, but here we go again!

I’ll head back and ask for another gp, thank you for your encouragement xx

My endo always reoccurs within one year of surgery so it is possible it’s back so soon. The pain is very unlikely to be psychological, with your endo diagnosis I think it’s offensive that your doctor would even suggest that xxx

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to

Thanks so much for your message Janine, I’m sorry to hear about your recurrence. Could I ask, did you have ablation or excision surgery?

And thank you, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks what he said was out of order, it’s really knocked me the past day or two and made me doubt myself.. I keep looking at my lap discharge reports and surgery photos to remind myself I’m not crazy! 😅xxx

in reply to Rosiexx

I had excision, three times now and it’s come back each time.

You shouldn’t ever be told your pain is psychological, especially when you have a diagnosis of a condition that is known to cause pain xxx

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to

Oh bless you thanks for letting me know, I had excision too.

Thanks so much for your support, it means a lot xxx

Whoisthis profile image

Hello Rosie,

I’m so sorry to hear what your GP said, and I know exactly 100% how you feel as I was told the same and a consultant tried to refer me to mental health services. This was straight after telling me the results of my MRI scan was showing signs of endo and they had booked a lap. 🤷‍♀️

I was livid, in fact I can’t recall feeling so angry for years.. but at the same I was just shell shocked by what I was hearing, and didn’t respond.

It’s frankly disgusting to have pain dismissed like this. I’ve moved care, waiting for a new appt, and delayed my treatment to avoid this consultant.

So I have a few more moths of pain but hopefully a new consultant that doesn’t make me fell like crying with frustration.

So big hug from me, get the care and understanding you deserve. Xx

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to Whoisthis

Hi there, thanks for your kind message x

I’m so sorry for what you’re going through but at least we’re all in this together!

I know exactly what you mean, my self doubt has moved into anger since he told me it was all in my head the other day. But I feel like I’m ready to push again, which is something.

I hope your new consultant is more understanding, I’m going to try a new gp tomorrow and see if they’re able to take me more seriously. It’s all so unfair we have to do this but your support is making me feel better.

Big hugs, I hope you get the care and understanding you need too and soon xxx

Only thing I could recommend is a different GP for sure. Thats bs your current one saying its all in your head.

Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to JewelryMakingLexie93

Thanks, I’m going to try and get an appointment with a female gp tomorrow! I feel like I can go in and stand my ground more confidently now that so many people have said he was out of order to say that xxx

Also try to get a gp that is a female

Greenlady48 profile image

good luck rosie. let us know how you get on. Ive been going to the doctors now for nearly 30years! ive been offered 1000s of dif pills from pain killers to anti-depression meds. Endo is a life sentence (sorry:( ) ive had surgery many times and seen all types of specialists and nothing takes it away for long. im a ripe old aged of 50 this year and menopause is in full swing for me. The HRT has made the endo grow back fast and im told that once menopause is over life will finally be pain free! (I still don't believe them). I may be in my 80s by then. Please don't let them tell you other wise. your pain is real.

stay strong


Rosiexx profile image
Rosiexx in reply to Greenlady48

Thank you for your lovely message, and I’m so sorry to hear everything you’ve been through. I hope you find some relief sooner than you think xxx

I’m actually getting my Mirena coil removed tomorrow which I’m really nervous about, but it hasn’t helped an awful lot and I’ve been on varying types of birth control for periods since 15, so I’m really ready to have less synthetic hormones floating around my system... especially since they all seem to have stopped working.

thanks again for your support, it really means a lot to me right now xxxx

EndoJaz profile image

I have been told this so many times. Had a hysterectomy 3 yrs ago for endo and fibroids. Ovaries left so pain continued and that’s what I have been told for past 3 yrs oh and yes I apparently had a femoral hernia until I went in for op and it couldn’t be found so now back in for lap next month. The last dr prescribed me the calm app and said he wonders how much pain is real and how much is in my head 🤯🤬. It’s so frustrating after over 30 years of suffering. Keep going until they listen xx

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