Hi all, just after a bit of advice and support really... I had a laparoscopy to remove endometriosis 7 weeks ago and ever since I’ve been really emotional and feeling really low. I’m usually a bubbly person but I’m not myself at all, others have noticed it too which has upset me, the smallest thing sets me off crying! I feel pathetic!
I’m also not feeling very womanly, the surgeon told me it might be more difficult if I’d like to try for a baby and chances are slim (which I’m not atm and unsure if I want kids) but I feel like there’s so much pressure around that question when you have Endo and I’m struggling to deal with what the right thing to do is atm.
I had a cyst removed from my ovary 12 years ago and they had to remove the ovary too, but they didn’t remove the Endo which was there meaning it’s taken me this long to get them to go back in and remove it and it had spread to quite a few areas!
I’m just wondering how others have felt after having this op and going through it? Could do with knowing if it’s just my hormones going a bit crazy really! Thanks in advance x