Hi just wondering if anyone has had ivf if they have cysts that are 3cm on ovaries from endometriosis. I am due to be having ivf fairly soon but cysts were found on both ovaries during an ultrasound scan no bigger than 3cm I'm just wondering if ivf is possible? I would appreciate any advice thanks ☺
Ovarian cysts (endometriomas) and ivf - Endometriosis UK
Ovarian cysts (endometriomas) and ivf

I have endometriosis too and cysts on both ovaries. I was told the clinic would go ahead with the ivf, provided the cysts were under 4cm. Mine were just under 3, and I found down regulating made them shrink a little. Burserelin is also used to treat endometriosis, so I found such relief in down regulating! X
Hi thanks so much for your reply it's such a relief to know that ivf is still possible with the cysts I have. I'm hoping they haven't grown any bigger in the month I have been waiting for the first appointment with the ivf clinic thanks again x 😊
Hi, I began a cycle of IVF with a known cyst of 6cm on my right ovary but they didn’t know what type of cyst it was (they thought it might be dermoid.) When I started stimulating and they were scanning me every couple of days, they actually found that both my ovaries had confirmed endometrioma cysts which were stuck together (ovaries stuck together) and also stuck to the outside of my cervix in one big mass. They were able to continue to egg collection, but recommended I have surgery to deal with it before embryo transfer, so I did an elective freeze instead of a fresh cycle. My right ovary which was largely taken up with the cyst tissue only harvested 2 eggs, and I got 9 from the other and 11 collected in total. I went for private excision surgery which completely sorted out my endometriosis, and went straight onto a frozen embryo transfer immediately with my next cycle, and got pregnant... although I since miscarried. Anyway my point is, you should have no trouble at all with such a small cyst- I had a ‘successful’ cycle (not in terms of a baby but in terms of pregnancy) even with severe stage 4 endometriosis which was only diagnosed mid treatment cycle and a much larger cyst. I hope my rambling story helps! X
I had cysts that were larger than 5cm on each ovary, as well as some smaller cysts. The main point here will be where they are located and if your doctor can access the egg, which from the size of them doesn’t sound like it will be an issue.
I had an endometrioma on my right ovary which was 2cm. They had to push on my abdomen during egg collection to get as many eggs as possible but it was all fine. Unfortunately it was a failed cycle. I’ve since had laparoscopic surgery to clean up my pelvis. Just trying naturally for 6months before going back to IVF. Best of luck to you 😁
Thank you all so much for your replys they have really helped. Wishing you all the best for the future ☺️x
With the modern and 'advanced' technology, IVF procedure has become more successful, easier and safer than ever before. But along with this, the most important factor is the doctor. If the doctor is highly experienced, then you are in totally safe hands. I have some of the best IVF specialists that can help you out in your problem of infertility.