I had my first laparoscopy in April last year by a general gynaecologist and he said he could not see any evidence of endometriosis. Just over a year on my doctor and new consultant (specialist) said they are ‘not ruling out endometriosis at all’ and I will most likely be having another laparoscopy to try and give me a true diagnosis
They still think it’s endometriosis - Endometriosis UK
They still think it’s endometriosis

I have heard that general gynes can miss endo as sometimes it is in places that make it hard to find so it is best for a specialist to take a look. Have they done for you what they done for me and ruled out other things? But i hope you get an answer soon
Yes I have been tested for numerous things.. i do have IBS but have had that for years and my symptoms for that are now maintained.
I have another appointment in October and he is going to give me a hormone stopping injection to see if this eases my pains
Hi I had surgery years ago with gyne doctor and found nothing years later I had surgery with a specialist and they found endo so I know how it feels x
How does endo feel like
I don’t know if I can explain it but depends on what symptoms you have?
Well I used to get pain before a period I’m always light and last 5 days the pain eased I went onto the mini pill to see if helped and I didn’t want no more kids well I’ve been on it for 5 months been having spotting now and then eased pain a lot but I forgot to it one day but took it 6 hrs after the time i usually take it now I have had a period well think it’s a period I’ve had pain just we’re uterus is for 3 whole days but very light blood never experienced pain for this long so don’t know if this sounds like endo or the mini pill
I would maybe speak to your gp as it could be the pill I’ve had so many different ones and spotted on some of them or they stopped my periods for a bit or didn’t make any difference, it’s hard to pin point endo I think as I’ve had so many doctors tell me I just have bad periods but years later after arguing I know my own body they found endo and removed it.
Do you suffer with you periods if your not on the pill etc? X
I only got pain few days before a period which was bad but soon as I got period the pain went every month it happened so I tried the pill see if it helped by stopping my periods which did at first and pain but now I got a period seems so worse