Just thought I would give a wee update to everyone on how my lap went. After panicking like mad the whole time I was strangely calm today. Don’t know how that happened but I’m so glad. I got given the all clear and no Endo was found. I thought I would be totally disheartened by this because of all my symptoms and felt people would think I had been making them up but I’m the opposite. I know sometimes it doesn’t show up and it could still be there but for now I’m going to go with my results. This page has been the biggest help imaginable to me and I’d like to thank everyone who got back to me whilst I was freaking out. Also thanks to those who sent me a message this morning. That was really sweet. I wish everyone the health you all deserve ❤️
Laparoscopy done: Just thought I would give... - Endometriosis UK
Laparoscopy done

Fabulous well done. I had mine today. He did a great job. Removed my endo from bowel and bladder. Removed my 3 endometrioma Cysts, womb is fine, removed endo veering towards my appendix. Cleared out adhesions and cleared out fallopian tubes. So he did a ton of stuff and he said I'm doing great. Felt groppy after anesthetic of course. No major nausea. Been up walking about, passed urine twice. Consultant has been to see me to say I look great. Well, that's debatable. Ha. My other half has been great too. Very attentive. My consultant said I can try to conceive in 2 weeks. I asked him when can I walk to the pub for a mineral water. He said tomorrow night providing I feel ok. Struggling to get to sleep due to the DVT pumps on my legs. But can get up and go to bathroom. Nurses have been great. Consultant won't know if AMH has gone down until I have my consultation in 2 weeks.
Very pleased about your news. Fab. You didn't let anxiety take over. Well done hun. XX

Ohhh wow you had a lot done. Well done on staying so upbeat, bet you can’t wait for that lovely cold mineral water lol! I wish you all the best on your pregnancy journey ❤️
Thanks hun. Good luck with you too. Keep me posted on your developments.

I got a flipping urine infection so was over at docs couple of hours later. They tested my urine before my op, seen I had an infection but didn’t send me away with anything which I thought strange. Xx
Ah OK. Can you ask any of your docs, nurses where you are, just to give you peace of mind. Drink plenty of fluids though to flush it out X

Yeah o got it sorted and it’s thankfully clearing up.
Fab. Recover well. Positive thoughts. X

Hi Cv444, I am due to have a lap soon to remove endo and cysts and by the sounds of things it will likely be as extensive as your op. I had my pre-op appointment today but their computers were down meaning they couldn’t see the consultants notes to advise how long I should expect to be in hospital. Can I ask, how long did your procedure take?
Paulamar02 glad your op went smoothly x
Hi, all in all I was gone from my room for 3 hours but my actual op was 1.5 hours. The other time was spent in the anesthetic room and recovery.
I was only in the hospital overnight as all my checks seemed fine. Now at home recooperating. I feel battered and bruised and my bladder feels like razorblades but it's part of the healing process. I know what people mean when they talk about gas pain. I feel like I've eaten a ton of beans and still filled up with the gas. It should go in a day or so. Walking about is better for me. If I lie in bed I seize up. It's important to balance the two. My doc said I should feel tons better in a week or so. Good luck with your op X

Thank you thats really helpful x