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Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Laparoscopy at 17

ali_cupcake profile image
12 Replies

Hi, I'm new here. I'm 17 years old and have been diagnosed with Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. I am currently awaiting my first laparoscopic procedure. My Endometriosis and Ovarian cysts were diagnosed by an MRI scan. I was told that seeing endometriosis on an MRI scan was rare and that I was very young for a diagnosis. I have been struggling a lot as I have missed almost 6 months of school (currently doing my A-levels). All of this has caused me a lot of anxiety and it has had an effect on my mental health. I am extremely nervous about my laparoscopy even though I know I'm in safe hands with the consultant I am seeing. I'm often wondering a lot how many other younger women are out there with endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Any advice and reassurance from anyone would be amazing!

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12 Replies
Pinkblossom1 profile image

I’m 24 and have been diagnosed with stage for endo only December last year! Try not to worry too much about the laparoscopy - the worst part was waiting on the day of surgery just because you can’t eat or drink! I felt tender up to one week after surgery but that was due to stitches (that dissolve) but honestly the procedure was totally fine ☺️

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Pinkblossom1

I'm dreading not being able to eat and drink beforehand! How long was your recovery time until you were back to doing your normal things?

Pinkblossom1 profile image
Pinkblossom1 in reply to ali_cupcake

Oh like 4 days! I was still a bit sore for like 1-2 weeks after due to stitches but was doing normal things ☺️

Lofty1589 profile image

I’m 19 and awaiting a diagnostic laparoscopy! I only knew about endo because my best friend was diagnosed at 12 years old with it and she recognised the symptoms. Believe it or not, there are quite a lot of us youngings out there trying to get an answer and fighting this disease.

I hope your lap goes well! I’ve got my MRI tomorrow after 7 weeks of waiting and lordy knows when my lap will be - but considering the extreme level of pain I am in (now taking tramadol to try and help) I’m trying to push it as much as possible xx

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Lofty1589

I hope your MRI scan went well and you get some answers you deserve! I have been taking Oramorph daily along with several other painkilers but the extreme pain is still there constantly so I know how you feel. It's astonshing how many young women have it. It's taken me 3 years to get diagnosed!

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to ali_cupcake

The MRI is at 5 today so grateful to leave work earlier. Yeah, my Tramadol is helping very slightly which is more than any of the others but it still isn’t enough - especially as I am off my pill this week for my period after 6 weeks since my last one (my anxiety is through the roof)

It’s honestly horrible that it takes so long. I’ve been going to the drs since I was 13 and the previous gps I had would only let me on the pill when I was 18 🙄 It’s a load of bs to be honest! Xx

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Lofty1589

Good luck! It’s bad that your GP wouldn’t let you go on the pill until you were 18. My GP put me on a combined pill when I was 15 but it made me very sick so I came off it and between then and now I’ve just taken strong painkillers which was not fun at all because every month I wouldn’t be able to get myself into school. It wasn’t until I got referred to a consultant that they put me on the mini pill and that’s suited me so much better! I bet you’re feeling horrendous if it’s your first period in 6 weeks! Hot water bottle is my go too along with all the pain killers I can have xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to ali_cupcake

The MRI went all right - hate needles so wasn’t too fun having a cannula in the crook of my arm and then having it bent for 40 mins 😅

My old GP surgery was honestly awful. Yeah, my anxiety is on an all time high right now - in so much pain that the Tramadol isn’t hitting and yet still no blood despite the fact there should have been today so I just can’t wait for Monday to come when I’ll be back on it. As awful and as much excruciating pain I’m in, I have no choice but to be in work so been using stick on heat pads since the hot water is awful at work and been taking my Tramadol whenever I can.

Just wish this could be all sorted! Xx

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Lofty1589

Glad it went okay! I hate needles too! I didn’t like having the heavy thing put on me either, it felt like I couldn’t breath. I bet you’re feeling anxious, I’ve been anxious too, I’ve not been at school since October which has had a massive impact so my GP has put me on anti depressants but so far I’m not noticing any difference. Endometriosis is a B**CH!! It will be sorted soon hopefully! I hope the results from the scan don’t take too long either because hopefully once you know some more answers your anxiety might calm down a little xx

Lofty1589 profile image
Lofty1589 in reply to ali_cupcake

Lordy knows long they’ll take. The admin at my hospital is shocking - they’ve lost every expedite letter sent to them amongst other things! I know not to get my hopes up since scans don’t always pick up endo - but I wouldn’t mind something showing up! Xx

ali_cupcake profile image
ali_cupcake in reply to Lofty1589

I think admin in most hospitals aren’t great, it’s really sad but it’s because the NHS is ridiculously underfunded. I hope for your peace of mind something is found because that’s a step forward! Xx

Peebles2sarah profile image

I'm 21 and going through the same stuff! The lap surgery is not scary at all I promise :)

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